Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

I love the holidays. Shopping, decorating, cooking, and all of the other fun stuff that comes along with holiday season. Craziness is the term I like to use. Lily's Birthday is the start of the season and our festivities don't stop until after the New Year. Here was our rough time line. Lily's Birthday Party, play dates, gymnastics, my dad's Birthday, Frank sister's Birthday, family dinners, hair appoinments, girls night out, Christmas Eve in Oklahoma that we missed due to inconvenient, bad weather, Christmas Day, day after Christmas shopping, another family dinner, New Year's Eve/ Frank's Birthday!, and it all ended this past Saturday with a memorable day, (away from the girls), to the Cotton Bowl at the new Cowboy's stadium! Hello Jerry's World! This place is the MECCA of all football stadiums. The teams playing were OSU and OLE MISS. We were rooting for OSU (of course) but OLE MISS won. Oh well, we still had a fabulous time!!!
Am I glad the holidays are over? Kinda, now the girls and I can get back to our same old routine. Mondays-grocery day, Wednesdays-gymnastics, Fridays-playdates, and of course Tues & Thurs are for playing, cleaning, laundry, etc.
I'll post holiday pics later.
Happy New Year!!!

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