Friday, January 29, 2010

It's a queso kind of night!

The day started with the girls and I going to a playdate. Lily will now be known to our play group as "the streaker"! We were having snacks in the kitchen when Lily goes back into the playroom to play, alone. She is quiet so I should have known she was up to something. The next thing I see, out of the corner of my eye, is Lily dashing into the kitchen then back into the playroom wearing nothing but her shirt and diaper! She has accomplished to take off her shoes, socks, and pants, but thank goodness leaving on her diaper. I don't know what she was thinking. I guess she wanted to spice things up a little! After the playdate, we pickup daddy for a big lunch at Macaroni Grill. We decide then we would be staying in for dinner tonight because we weren't for sure how bad the weather would be. All morning had been rainy then the snow started falling this afternoon. The girls went to bed early, I guess they were tired from their big day of a playdate and lunch. So I decided to make queso. Which brings me to a little story. When husband and I were first married the majority of our dinners consisted of a special ingredient, "velvetta". Tortilla soup, potato soup, many casseroles, dips, etc. all contained velvetta! Now 5 1/2 years later, with a husband on cholesterol medicine, I've had to change my way of preparing food. We eat more healthy and our meals have better ingredients. You know NOT the ones with an experation date of June 15, 2015!!! But tonight we caved in and ate velvetta! It is snowing outside, we have a fire crackling, a bowl of sausage queso, and a beer to wash it down. And did I mention the girls are asleep! WOO-HOO!!!


  1. So sad I missed the streaking! Thankfully Kendall is already feeling better.

    Expiration date of 5 years??? That's hillarious and disgusting all at once. Did you watch the Oprah episode this week, What you should know before going to the grocery store? I will definitely shop for "better" foods now.

  2. Good to hear Kendall is feeling better! So, I exagerated a little on the experation date, but it still lasts a looong time!!! I haven't watched that Oprah episode, yet, it's on my DVR. See ya friday!
