Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Cards

When the girls and I were in Muskogee, in October, we had our pictures taken by Ashley Thompson. The end results are FAAAAABULOUS!!!! If you live in the Muskogee, Tulsa, Ok area and are in need of a photographer... I have your lady and her website is...  But don't call her until February because she is on maternity leave. Ashley and her husband welcomed their first baby, Ayden, into the world! He is a beautiful baby weighing in at 9lbs 9oz.! Congrats to Ashley and her family!!!!
Ashley and I designed our Christmas cards and I love them!!!! I wanted to wait and post a picture of the card until I put them in the mail and everyone received them. (I didn't want to spoil the surprise) So I hope you enjoy!

See, don't you love our Christmas cards! I describe them as "darling"!!!! Of course anything that has a picture of my "living dolls" is gonna be fabulous!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. The cards are adorable and once again your girls are dressed up as models! Love your blog. I have one too,
