Monday, January 25, 2010

Are they twins?

The girls and I do our grocery shopping every Monday morning. While at Market Street Lily sits in the shopping cart and I carry Morgan either in our BECO or Baby Bjorn carrier. The girls are not the same size. Morgan is big for her age, but not the size of a two year old. Therefore, I think it is funny (odd) when the following happens and it never fails I always have this conversation with someone....

Random person: "Are they twins or just close in age?"
Momma Nat: "Not twins, just close in age."
Random person: "How close in age?"
Momma Nat: "16 months apart."
Random person: "Wow! You're busy!!!"
Momma Nat: "Yes, very busy, but lots of fun!"


  1. haha, first of all I don't think they look like twins at all. And secondly, it just cracks me up what comes out of complete strangers mouths, some people really need to filter!
