Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Love Dare

Sometimes life gets in the way. I'm talking about relationships here. It is very easy to take a marriage for granted. Cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, changing diapers, & raising kids, etc., etc., will take over, if we allow it, and our relationship gets moved to the back burner, so to speak. Just like the following... Last year for Christmas I gave Frank, the book, "Love Dare". We very much enjoyed reading and participating in the daily "dares". Did we get through it? No. We let life get in the way and had another baby. So what do we do to guard our relationship and have more one on one time? I know when my mom comes in town, she barely makes it in our door before Frank and I are saying, "See ya, we are going to dinner!" We always take advantage of these times to have a date!!! And guess what else we are going to do? We are going to take up where we left off in the "Love Dare", and maybe finish before next Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Precious blog! Stop by mine anytime. Seriously, your girls are too cute. See you on Friday!

