Thursday, January 28, 2010

By Invitation Only!!!

Okay, so anyone who knows me well knows that I RARELY pay full price for anything. I want stylish, unique items, but I will put something back, even if I love it, because it is not a "great deal". I am the type of person that even shops sale racks at Target! I know I'm giving away all my secrets, but I see no sense in paying full price for something when in a couple of weeks it will be on sale! My thought is the less expensive something is... the more I can buy!!!
My friend sent me an invitation to the website below. I will try to explain, but I may not make sense. Each day new "boutiques" open. Each boutique stays open for two days and it is first come first serve. The boutiques carry high-end designer products. And did I mention everything is on SALE? Yep, that is correct, everything is on sale. I even did some price comparing to make sure. Once again, I stress, "first come- first serve", I have missed out on some great shoes and tops due to logging in too late.
So good luck and happy shopping!!! If you don't see anything you like keep going back to the website because everyday a new "boutique" opens.
Copy and paste the website then enjoy!!!

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