Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dads and daughters

This article below is so true and I believe it is a must read for any dad raising a daughter.

Dear Dr. Dobson: Talk about a father's impact on his daughter and what he should hope to accomplish through that relationship.

Dr. Dobson: Fathers have an incalculable impact on their daughters. Most psychologists believe, and I am one of them, that all future romantic relationships are influenced positively or negatively by the way a girl interacts with her dad in the childhood years. If that is true, then fathers should give careful thought to this responsibility and seek to be what their daughters need of them. There are, I believe, at least seven components to that assignment.
First, a dad's leadership at home should be a model of strength and authority, but always tempered by love and compassion.
Second, a dad must remember that he is being watched closely by that little girl around his knees. The way he treats her mother will teach her volumes about how men and women should relate to one another.
Third, I think it is good to begin "dating" a daughter when she is six years of age, or even earlier. Dad should let the child help plan their evenings and then see that they occur when and where promised.
Fourth, a dad should always look for ways to build the self-confidence of his little girl.
Fifth, a father should keep the lines of communication open throughout childhood so that he is seen as someone to whom his daughter can turn when she needs advice.
Sixth, God designed men to be the "providers and protectors" of their families. Dad is often his little girl's "hero," and it is wonderful when that kind of relationship develops.
Seventh, a father must be the spiritual leader of his family, making clear his devotion to Jesus Christ and to the principles in Scripture.

I believe a daddy's role in his daughters life is priceless and this article is so easy to read and understand. (men need that, ya know!) So, thank you, Dr. Dobson!

p.s. I copy and pasted this article from the website of a newspaper, but Dr. James Dobson's website is very informative, too.

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