Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

While the girls and I were in Oklahoma we visited the Pumpkin Patch, or known to some people as "punkin patch". I love it when people say "punkin"! It is charming in a southern kind of way. The day was very windy so Miss Morgan stayed in the car with Aunt Sandra while Grandma Suzy, Dr. Hoos, Kristi, and I chased Lily, Trey, and Cadyn around the pumpkin patch. Yes, sometimes it takes 4 adults to 3 kids! Three adults for the chasing and one to take pictures. I've posted a few of pics of Miss Lily! 

Isn't Lily so cute?!

Lily and her mommy!

Lily, just like her daddy, "riding the John Deere"!

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