Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

For the past two years we have spent Halloween with Antonio, Giulia, Alessandro, and Lorenzo. Walking their neighborhood, wine in hand, enjoying great company, and having tons of laughs!

This year Lily dressed up as a Chinese girl and Morgan dressed up as a scarecrow. Morgan was going to be an eggroll, but I never made it to the fabric store. I purchased Lily's Kimono in Paris, France. Go figure! Morgan's scarecrow costume was a hand me down from Lily. Alessandro and Lorenzo dressed up as scary clowns. Antonio dressed up as a fashionable Joe Dirt and Giulia dressed up as a fabulous Diana Ross. Frank and I, well, we dressed up as ourselves!

The evening was perfect. Awesome fall weather and our were girls in a "fun" mood. We set out walking to a party (being hosted in the neighborhood) and on the way we let Lily "trick or treat". For the first two houses, Lily must have thought we were going to a playdate because she walked right up to the door, said, "Hi!" and helped herself right in! Giulia was the one helping Lily "trick or treat" so she went to get Lily and told her we can't go inside we are "trick or treating". Lily was confused at first but by the third house she knew exactly what to do... If the homeowners weren't outside handing out candy, she knocked on the door, said, "Hi!" held out her Nordstrom shopping/ candy bag (I forgot a candy bag, thank goodness I had a random bag in the car), received her candy, said "Thank you!", then made her way to the next house. We tried to get Lily to say, "Trick or Treat", but it didn't come out that well. We knew what she meant, but I'm sure other people didn't.  Lily understood the concept of "trick or treating", but she had know idea about the tasty sweets she held in her bag. We do not let Lily eat candy, if she knew about the sweet stuff we would have had trouble on our hands! She loved her Halloween Evening. She was absolutely serious, didn't want any help, and walked the whole night. We left the house to "trick or treat" at about 6:45pm and returned back at about 10:00pm. Needless to say, Lily slept all the way home, barely woke up for us to put on her pajamas, and put her in bed.

I've posted a few pics....

Lily "Trick or Treating"

Morgan {Scarecrow} & Lorenzo {Scary Clown}

Momma Nat and her "lil gobblins"

Happy Halloween!!!

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