Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The "NO's" have it!

Lily's new favorite word is "No!" She is saying "No" in response to everything and everyone. Even when she doesn't mean to say "No" she does. The "No" can be "NO!!!" or just a sweet "No". However she is saying it, she is loving it. "NO, no, no, noooo, & no". While saying "No", she, also, shakes her head. So I believe she understands "No", but I also think she just likes saying it. She is practicing her new line of independence!
Lily's favorite things include her bath, cheese, & shoes. So I ask... "Lily, would you like some cheese?" Her reply, "No". Then she reaches for the cheese and eats it.  This goes on... "Lily, let's put on your shoes." Her reply, "No". Then we put on her shoes. You get the drill.
I remember friends and family members telling about their children and the stages they go through and the "No!" stage is one of them. I just can't believe how fast Lily has grown up. Seems like yesterday I was in labor with her and rushing to the hospital! Babies don't stay babies long!

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