Thursday, October 29, 2009

Okie from Muskogee

The girls and I have been out of town..... Husband went hunting so the girls and I went to Muskogee, Oklahoma, my hometown. We left on a Friday morning and came back home one week and a day later. My family is so numerous we should have stayed longer. One week was not enough time to see everone. My mom is the middle of five children and my father is the youngest of five children. I have a ton of aunts, uncles, cousins, and two grandparents that are in their nineties. In addition to my visiting family, I, also, wanted to catch up with friends. I really didn't have enough time for this either. I never want to hurt anyone's feelings by not being able to see them, but sometimes it is impossible to make a GOOD visit with everyone.
While in Muskogee, the girls and I stayed at my Aunt Sandra and Uncle P.A.'s house. They were so nice to let us stay there. They are empty nesters and used to a quiet house, but once we were there they didn't want us to leave. Miss Lily followed Uncle P.A. around everywhere. She was his little shadow. Miss Morgan got very used to Grandma Suzy and Aunt Sandra's cuddles! This was the first time for many people to see Miss Morgan in real life. They thought she was a doll and Miss Lily, too. The girls met so many new people. At first introduction, Lily, played shy, but in no time at all is was smiling, flirting, giggling, giving "5", and blowing kisses, "Bye!". She is definitely the show stopper! Lily, also, got to play with cousins and new friends. The child play is so great. I love to watch the interaction of Lily and whoever she is playing with. We experienced special memories never to forget.

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