Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lily found her Mommy!

Lily enjoys looking at pictures of her Mommy & Daddy's wedding. She even carries around some of the pictures. So I play a game with her....
 I point to her Daddy in the picture and I say, "Lily, who is this?", Lily points to her Daddy and replies, with so much excitement, "DADDY!!!". I then ask her, "Lily, where is your Mommy?", Lily just looks at me then walks away.
Lily found her Daddy in pictures months ago. She will walk up to any of the framed pictures in our house, point to her Daddy and say, "DADDY!!!" As I said, this has been going on for months, so I have been waiting patiently for her to find me.
Finally, about three weeks ago, Lily walked up to a framed picture in our master bedroom, pointed to me in the picture and said, "MOMMY!!!". Oh my, I was so excited. I said, "Yes, Lily that is Mommy!" And I gave her a big hug!
I had been blaming my different hairstyles in the different pictures as the reason Lily never found me. But I think it was because she never "needed" to find me...I am always nearby!!!!!     

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