I have been meaning to post about breast feeding.... I have weaned Morgan so I need to post now or I will forget about it. First of all, let me say, "Breastfeeding Morgan has been an absolute joy". I have created an amazing bond with her and I can't help to mention "breastfeeding is cheap!" I will now spend at least $100, a month, on formula due to weaning Morgan. I have had no issues with breastfeeding in public and I am glad no one has had an issue with me doing it. Granted, when I would breastfeed in public, I was always covered up, but you never know how people are going to react by a mother nursing her child. The process of breastfeeding is amazing. It is so empowering that we as mothers carry, deliver, and actually "feed" our babies breastmilk. We are directly in charge of the growth & nutrition of our babies. I mean come on that is awesome! After Lily was born she never latched on so I had to pump and give her breast milk. When Morgan was born I knew I wanted to try breastfeeding again, but I didn't want to stress out myself (or the baby) if things didn't go as planned. Thank goodness Morgan took right to it. We had no problems at all and the process of breastfeeding Morgan was easy.
I do have to admit the drawbacks, though. At about 6 months of age Morgan became very attached to nursing throughout the night. Every night was like an "all you could eat buffet" and in return neither she nor I got much sleep. I became very exhausted, was sick at the time, and I could not get well. I was not extremely ill, but I was having a tough time with my sinuses and I couldn't shake it. These "all-nighters" were more of Morgan wanting to nurse for comfort instead of hunger. This was exhausting me. At the same time I wanted to sleep train her. Needless to say, Morgan and I went to her 6 month check up with me in tears. I was not emotionally ready to wean her but, yet, I had to get some sleep. Our pediatrition is awesome. She listened me to cry, heard my concerns, and completely understood. Her baby is six weeks younger than Morgan so she was experiencing the same events as I was. After much thought, I decided to not wean Morgan at that time, but to sleep train her. She is now sleeping better. Thank godness!
So now two months later, Morgan is weaned. When I look back I remember having to nurse Morgan many times in public. I have listed some places (I remember) where I had to nurse her.
Rick's Chop House, McKinney, TX, DFW Airport, several airplane rides, Starbuck's, Winter Park, CO, Randy's, Winter Park, CO, Nordstrom, Frisco, TX, several different parking lots in TX, OK, & CO; University of Gymnastics, a few birthday parties/playdates, Ashley Thompson Photo Studio, Muskogee, OK, I'm sure I've forgotten places, when I remember, I will post more.