Sunday, September 20, 2009

Peace and Quiet....

Or lack there of.... For those of you reading my blog and don't have children, yet, just be warned your days of "peace and quiet" are gone out the window. I do not want this warning to prevent you from having children, but just enjoy your "peace and quiet" times, now.
I remember when my brother and I were kids, we would find our mom in the bathroom and she would say, "Why can't I use the restroom in peace?" Did your mom say that too?
Well, I became that mom today.
Sweet Lily is so inquisitive she follows me everywhere and watches everything I do. She knows how to wash her body with a loofah, put on lotion, put on deodorant, apply makeup, brush her hair, brush her teeth, put on jewelry, talk on the phone, and, even though, she still wears diapers, she pretends to wipe her butt. Yep, I just typed it.
Motherhood is a blast and your little person will think their mommy is the best person in the world!!!!

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