Not much has been going on, except getting ready for the jewelry party. I have been trying to prepare the house a little bit at a time (so I don't overwhelm myself) while the girls are napping or after they go to bed. The mom's group we are members of has cancelled several playdates due to illness. I am thankful for this. The last thing I want to happen is to go to a playdate, Lily catch something, and then bring it home to baby Morgan.
So with nothing else to report on, I think it is a great time to chart Lily's Language development. These are the words in her vocabulary.
1. Daddy, Dadda (she never says momma :(
2. Go-Go? (wondering if we are going somewhere)
3. Go-Go! (when she wants to leave, ex. we are at a restaurant, she is finished eating and wants to leave, she says "Go-Go!)
4. Go! (When she wants you to leave her alone, she puts her hand up and says "Go!")
5. Hi!
6. Hello! (When answering her phone, which is whatever she wants to talk into at that time.)
7. Bye!
8. Bye-Bye!
9. Doggie! (I think she has even said, "Paco", Grandma & Grandpa's dog)
10. Popy = Baby
11. Shoes
12. Juice
13. Trees
14. Mooo! (for cow)
15. Grrr! (for bear)
16. Ducky (along w/) Quack, quack
17. Thank you!
18. To bsh = Toothbrush
19. Bath
20. Shwr = Shower
21. Eyes! (she says "eyes" all of the time when pointing to Morgan's, mine, Frank's, any of her doll's, or her own eyes)
If I have left any out I will be sure to update.....
I need to add a few words.
22. Oh Wow!
23. Oh My Ga! = Oh my gosh!
24. Tis = This
25. Cheese
26. Stop (She says "stop" when I wrestle or tickle her.)
27. MMM! (She says "MMM!" when she eats something yummy!)
Adding more words on 9/23
28. Oh-O! (She says "Oh-O" when she hears something fall or if she drops something.)
29. Stop!
30. No! (She is sweet, but she can say "No!")
So with nothing else to report on, I think it is a great time to chart Lily's Language development. These are the words in her vocabulary.
1. Daddy, Dadda (she never says momma :(
2. Go-Go? (wondering if we are going somewhere)
3. Go-Go! (when she wants to leave, ex. we are at a restaurant, she is finished eating and wants to leave, she says "Go-Go!)
4. Go! (When she wants you to leave her alone, she puts her hand up and says "Go!")
5. Hi!
6. Hello! (When answering her phone, which is whatever she wants to talk into at that time.)
7. Bye!
8. Bye-Bye!
9. Doggie! (I think she has even said, "Paco", Grandma & Grandpa's dog)
10. Popy = Baby
11. Shoes
12. Juice
13. Trees
14. Mooo! (for cow)
15. Grrr! (for bear)
16. Ducky (along w/) Quack, quack
17. Thank you!
18. To bsh = Toothbrush
19. Bath
20. Shwr = Shower
21. Eyes! (she says "eyes" all of the time when pointing to Morgan's, mine, Frank's, any of her doll's, or her own eyes)
If I have left any out I will be sure to update.....
I need to add a few words.
22. Oh Wow!
23. Oh My Ga! = Oh my gosh!
24. Tis = This
25. Cheese
26. Stop (She says "stop" when I wrestle or tickle her.)
27. MMM! (She says "MMM!" when she eats something yummy!)
Adding more words on 9/23
28. Oh-O! (She says "Oh-O" when she hears something fall or if she drops something.)
29. Stop!
30. No! (She is sweet, but she can say "No!")
Adding more 9/26
31. All right
32. Stuck
33. Keys
34. Momma (finally!!!)
Adding more 9/29
35. Ball
36. Stuck
37. See Ya
Adding more 9/29
35. Ball
36. Stuck
37. See Ya
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