Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Lily, what would you like to wear today?"

The weather has been "fallish" the past couple of days. A very nice break from the heat. Yesterday, when we walked out our front door there was a refreshing breeze. Lily says, "OHHH", like this weather is wonderful. Lily did so well at gymnastics, she is playing better with a "group" of kids. There for a while she roamed the gym checking out everything but what she was supposed to be doing. Now I feel I am getting my moneys worth.

Today, the girls and I are staying at home. There is an overcast and a chance of rain. Kind of gloomy. Plus, I have a terrible headache. I think weather induced. I can only take certain meds because of breastfeeding (one drawback of breastfeeding), so I am waiting for this headache to pass.

The days we stay at home I let Lily choose her clothes for the day. This morning, after breakfast, Lily and I are in her room and I say, "Lily, what would you like to wear today?" Lily opens the drawer of her armoire and pulls out her bathing suit! The top and matching bottom. She has done this before and I always think it is so funny. I guess she likes the soft feel of it and, maybe, it reminds her of vacations to the beach. Who knows, but I have always said, "Lily lets us know exactly what she wants, even when she was a tiny baby."
Later, I will try to post a pic.

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