Saturday, September 12, 2009

1st post!!!

Okay, so I am thrilled I have a blog. I am so cool! Just don't expect correct spelling, punctuation, and all of that stuff. I can barely achieve keeping this blog while being wife, mommy, chef, housekeeper, chaufer, friend, daughter, etc. I always envied those who kept blogs, and I finally decided to just do it. I only wish I would have started keeping this blog while pregnant with Lily. I have a calender where I kept track of Lily's development, but this blog seems so definite. You know not like paper. I feel that anyone who reads this blog will have missed out on all of the great happenings in Lily's life before 20 months of age. Okay in the grand scheme of things that sounds lame, but I adore my girls and believe they are the most sweetest creatures on earth. Just like every other mom thinks of their babies! So this blog starts while Lily being 20 months old and Morgan being 4 months old. I can't wait to track their development, tell of funny stories, vent about life, and just chat (type) away to my new blog. Stay tuned for adorable, humorous, enlightening, and informative posts! Happy Blogging!

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