This weekend the girls and I had company. Husband went hunting so Grandma Suzy and Great Grandma Fabian came to visit. We hit the ground running. Friday morning the girls and I dropped of the grandmas at Target while we went to a playdate. Lily is so independent these days she wants to do only whatever she wants to do. It is very difficult at playdates with the two babies. Usually, I keep Morgan in the baby bjorn and Lily gets to play. This playdate was a little different. I let both girls down to play, next thing you know Morgan is pooing in her diaper, Lily spies the child size table full of plates, with goldfish, boxes of apple juice, and she charges for it. I haven't told you, yet, these snacks are already spoken for so I am trying to corral Lily before she takes a drink, oops, too late. She just drank somebody else's juice. Hopefully, the other child who owns the juice box is not sick. Lily just got over the diarrhea. Oh well, germs are good right? So while I am changing Morgan's diaper, Lily starts her roaming. She is famous for checking out other rooms of other peoples houses'. The host mom reassures me that Lily is just fine and not hurting anything, but I don't want Lily to wear out her welcome. Okay, so I am trying to get Lily back to play with the other kids and she starts screaming. It is meltdown time because she is getting very close to her nap time. Needless to say, I load up everything and we head for Target to pick up the grandmas. We make a quick stop at Chick fil a then travel home. Feed Lily, put her down for a nap, nurse Morgan, and ,finally, some quiet time. I think I took a little snooze, too. After the nap we are off running again, Tuesday Morning is our destination. We are in the store forever it seems. This store is cool for "off the wall" stuff. Random stuff you end up putting in your basket you think you have to have. I found a package of pretty dinner napkins for the jewelry party I am hosting next Fri. Grandma Suzy found an Elmo Restaurant for Lily for Christmas. Lily will love it. We finally leave TM and pick up food at LaMadeline. Yummy Caesar salads. Head home, eat, bathe Lily, Grandma Suzy cuddles with Lily before bed, I nurse Morgan, Lily goes to bed, followed by Morgan, and Grandma Suzy and I look up random words on Urban Dictionary. This site is hilarious. We have a few belly hurting laughs (I love these times with mom, the corning stuff we crack up at) then I go to bed. Saturday morning we take it slow, then off running again. To the drapery place, El Fenix, and then Stonebriar Centre so mom can find new accessories for her Iphone. At home, again, and it is feed, bathe, cuddle Lily before her going to bed. I nurse Morgan and she is off to bed. I stay up entirely to late after both grandmas go to bed. Sunday morning, I am exhausted, Grandma Suzy gets up with Lily and does her morning schedule. Thank goodness. I clean then go to Brookshires to get the DMN for the coupons. After we hug and tell the grandmas, "Bye", I put Lily down for a nap, nurse Morgan and have a little quite time for me. Husband makes it home and Lily is thrilled. She adores her Daddy. Later Grandma and Grandpa W come over for dinner. More attention for Lily. She is relating Sunday nights to grandparents, dinner, playing outside, and blowing bubbles. Grandma Suzy bought her a blowing bubbles contraption. The bottom looks like regular bubbles, but the top has a lever you pull back and "magic", the bubbles come out. Lily knows how to work it and she gets very stingy with it. If you try to help her with more bubble liquid she holds on to it for dear life like you are going to take it away. It is so funny to watch her to work this bubble machine. She is figuring out how things work, I am so proud! But tonight was a different story. Lily did not get to blow bubbles. All weekend the weather was terrible. It rained and rained and rained. Lily was very disappointed about not being able to go outside. She cried, screamed, and cried more. We ate dinner, I was about to bathe Lily then thought, "Ya know it wouldn't hurt for Lily to go outside. Even though it is sprinkling, that is the same as running through a sprinkler, right?" She felt so relieved to run outside. Now with Lily in good spirits she got a bath and cuddled with Daddy before bedtime. Sunday nights are fun and good memories for all!
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