When you have children, it is amazing the conversations you will have with your spouse....
Husband: Has Lily pooed today?
Momma Nat: No, not yet.
Husband: It has been two days, when she does poo, you know it will be a BIG one.
Momma Nat: Yes, thank you, I know.
Funny how the "poos" of babies and children are topics of discussion for many conversations. Moms, friends, relatives, and spouses will all join in. Parents will know immediately what is ailing their child just by investigating their child's poo. For instance, a baby, who is exclusively breastfed, rarely has stinking gas or poo, unless they are allergic or have an aversion to the food their mom is eating. Other times, their poo will change colors... Once, I ate too much guacamole and Morgan's poo turned very green! Another point, if Lily gets diarrhea, I know she stumbled upon some sort of virus. Which brings me to the "BRAT" (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) diet. This diet will magically fix your child's diarrhea almost immediately. Since babies and toddlers cannot take belly meds, moms need other way of correcting the problem, and the "BRAT" diet will do the trick!!! (BRAT diet will work for adults, too) Now, for "not pooing" I don't know the remedy. I guess we will just wait and see. I keep on thinking I am going to put Lily down for a nap, hear her cry, go check on her and "surprise" she has poo in her diaper!
I'm sure the conversation will go something like this....
Husband: Hello?
Momma Nat: Guess what?
Husband: Lily pooed?
Momma Nat: Yes, how did you know?
Husband: I was worried about her... She ate a ton of food this weekend.
Momma Nat: No worries, she is okay.
Husband: Okay, good, talk to ya later, luvy.
Momma Nat: Luvy, bye!
All is good, when your child feels well, is happy, smiles, hugs mommy & daddy, sleeps well, and of course, "poos" on time!!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
"Lily, what would you like to wear today?"
The weather has been "fallish" the past couple of days. A very nice break from the heat. Yesterday, when we walked out our front door there was a refreshing breeze. Lily says, "OHHH", like this weather is wonderful. Lily did so well at gymnastics, she is playing better with a "group" of kids. There for a while she roamed the gym checking out everything but what she was supposed to be doing. Now I feel I am getting my moneys worth.
Today, the girls and I are staying at home. There is an overcast and a chance of rain. Kind of gloomy. Plus, I have a terrible headache. I think weather induced. I can only take certain meds because of breastfeeding (one drawback of breastfeeding), so I am waiting for this headache to pass.
The days we stay at home I let Lily choose her clothes for the day. This morning, after breakfast, Lily and I are in her room and I say, "Lily, what would you like to wear today?" Lily opens the drawer of her armoire and pulls out her bathing suit! The top and matching bottom. She has done this before and I always think it is so funny. I guess she likes the soft feel of it and, maybe, it reminds her of vacations to the beach. Who knows, but I have always said, "Lily lets us know exactly what she wants, even when she was a tiny baby."
Later, I will try to post a pic.
Today, the girls and I are staying at home. There is an overcast and a chance of rain. Kind of gloomy. Plus, I have a terrible headache. I think weather induced. I can only take certain meds because of breastfeeding (one drawback of breastfeeding), so I am waiting for this headache to pass.
The days we stay at home I let Lily choose her clothes for the day. This morning, after breakfast, Lily and I are in her room and I say, "Lily, what would you like to wear today?" Lily opens the drawer of her armoire and pulls out her bathing suit! The top and matching bottom. She has done this before and I always think it is so funny. I guess she likes the soft feel of it and, maybe, it reminds her of vacations to the beach. Who knows, but I have always said, "Lily lets us know exactly what she wants, even when she was a tiny baby."
Later, I will try to post a pic.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Peace and Quiet....
Or lack there of.... For those of you reading my blog and don't have children, yet, just be warned your days of "peace and quiet" are gone out the window. I do not want this warning to prevent you from having children, but just enjoy your "peace and quiet" times, now.
I remember when my brother and I were kids, we would find our mom in the bathroom and she would say, "Why can't I use the restroom in peace?" Did your mom say that too?
Well, I became that mom today.
Sweet Lily is so inquisitive she follows me everywhere and watches everything I do. She knows how to wash her body with a loofah, put on lotion, put on deodorant, apply makeup, brush her hair, brush her teeth, put on jewelry, talk on the phone, and, even though, she still wears diapers, she pretends to wipe her butt. Yep, I just typed it.
Motherhood is a blast and your little person will think their mommy is the best person in the world!!!!
I remember when my brother and I were kids, we would find our mom in the bathroom and she would say, "Why can't I use the restroom in peace?" Did your mom say that too?
Well, I became that mom today.
Sweet Lily is so inquisitive she follows me everywhere and watches everything I do. She knows how to wash her body with a loofah, put on lotion, put on deodorant, apply makeup, brush her hair, brush her teeth, put on jewelry, talk on the phone, and, even though, she still wears diapers, she pretends to wipe her butt. Yep, I just typed it.
Motherhood is a blast and your little person will think their mommy is the best person in the world!!!!
LNO/ Jewelry Party
This past Friday night, I hosted a Lady's Night Out/ Jewelry Party. My girlfriend, Giulia, sells fabulous jewelry that is handmade in Italy. Every piece is beautiful and so unique. You will not find this jewelry anywhere else in the states because Giulia is the only one who sells it here. Her website is http://www.dmodaitalianjewels.com/ Check it out, but the jewelry is way more intricate and eye catching in person.
The party for me was a much needed evening of laughs and girl talk. The party goers included myself, Giulia, Cathy R, Kathy L, Madissen & friend, Krista & Lana, Amanda & Donna, Christy & Courtney, Pam, and finally Lisa & Michelle. Once the "jewelry party" part of the night concluded, the real fun began.... All I will say is we finished the last bottle of champagne at 2am Saturday morning! OMG! What was I thinking, but what a great time we had. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt the next day!
P.S. Thanks to the Husband for buying all the champagne and playing DJ once he returned home from dinner.
P.S.S. Sorry you got your forehead slapped! ;)
The party for me was a much needed evening of laughs and girl talk. The party goers included myself, Giulia, Cathy R, Kathy L, Madissen & friend, Krista & Lana, Amanda & Donna, Christy & Courtney, Pam, and finally Lisa & Michelle. Once the "jewelry party" part of the night concluded, the real fun began.... All I will say is we finished the last bottle of champagne at 2am Saturday morning! OMG! What was I thinking, but what a great time we had. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt the next day!
P.S. Thanks to the Husband for buying all the champagne and playing DJ once he returned home from dinner.
P.S.S. Sorry you got your forehead slapped! ;)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lily's Language Development

Not much has been going on, except getting ready for the jewelry party. I have been trying to prepare the house a little bit at a time (so I don't overwhelm myself) while the girls are napping or after they go to bed. The mom's group we are members of has cancelled several playdates due to illness. I am thankful for this. The last thing I want to happen is to go to a playdate, Lily catch something, and then bring it home to baby Morgan.
So with nothing else to report on, I think it is a great time to chart Lily's Language development. These are the words in her vocabulary.
1. Daddy, Dadda (she never says momma :(
2. Go-Go? (wondering if we are going somewhere)
3. Go-Go! (when she wants to leave, ex. we are at a restaurant, she is finished eating and wants to leave, she says "Go-Go!)
4. Go! (When she wants you to leave her alone, she puts her hand up and says "Go!")
5. Hi!
6. Hello! (When answering her phone, which is whatever she wants to talk into at that time.)
7. Bye!
8. Bye-Bye!
9. Doggie! (I think she has even said, "Paco", Grandma & Grandpa's dog)
10. Popy = Baby
11. Shoes
12. Juice
13. Trees
14. Mooo! (for cow)
15. Grrr! (for bear)
16. Ducky (along w/) Quack, quack
17. Thank you!
18. To bsh = Toothbrush
19. Bath
20. Shwr = Shower
21. Eyes! (she says "eyes" all of the time when pointing to Morgan's, mine, Frank's, any of her doll's, or her own eyes)
If I have left any out I will be sure to update.....
I need to add a few words.
22. Oh Wow!
23. Oh My Ga! = Oh my gosh!
24. Tis = This
25. Cheese
26. Stop (She says "stop" when I wrestle or tickle her.)
27. MMM! (She says "MMM!" when she eats something yummy!)
Adding more words on 9/23
28. Oh-O! (She says "Oh-O" when she hears something fall or if she drops something.)
29. Stop!
30. No! (She is sweet, but she can say "No!")
So with nothing else to report on, I think it is a great time to chart Lily's Language development. These are the words in her vocabulary.
1. Daddy, Dadda (she never says momma :(
2. Go-Go? (wondering if we are going somewhere)
3. Go-Go! (when she wants to leave, ex. we are at a restaurant, she is finished eating and wants to leave, she says "Go-Go!)
4. Go! (When she wants you to leave her alone, she puts her hand up and says "Go!")
5. Hi!
6. Hello! (When answering her phone, which is whatever she wants to talk into at that time.)
7. Bye!
8. Bye-Bye!
9. Doggie! (I think she has even said, "Paco", Grandma & Grandpa's dog)
10. Popy = Baby
11. Shoes
12. Juice
13. Trees
14. Mooo! (for cow)
15. Grrr! (for bear)
16. Ducky (along w/) Quack, quack
17. Thank you!
18. To bsh = Toothbrush
19. Bath
20. Shwr = Shower
21. Eyes! (she says "eyes" all of the time when pointing to Morgan's, mine, Frank's, any of her doll's, or her own eyes)
If I have left any out I will be sure to update.....
I need to add a few words.
22. Oh Wow!
23. Oh My Ga! = Oh my gosh!
24. Tis = This
25. Cheese
26. Stop (She says "stop" when I wrestle or tickle her.)
27. MMM! (She says "MMM!" when she eats something yummy!)
Adding more words on 9/23
28. Oh-O! (She says "Oh-O" when she hears something fall or if she drops something.)
29. Stop!
30. No! (She is sweet, but she can say "No!")
Adding more 9/26
31. All right
32. Stuck
33. Keys
34. Momma (finally!!!)
Adding more 9/29
35. Ball
36. Stuck
37. See Ya
Adding more 9/29
35. Ball
36. Stuck
37. See Ya
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Weekend with the grandmas

This weekend the girls and I had company. Husband went hunting so Grandma Suzy and Great Grandma Fabian came to visit. We hit the ground running. Friday morning the girls and I dropped of the grandmas at Target while we went to a playdate. Lily is so independent these days she wants to do only whatever she wants to do. It is very difficult at playdates with the two babies. Usually, I keep Morgan in the baby bjorn and Lily gets to play. This playdate was a little different. I let both girls down to play, next thing you know Morgan is pooing in her diaper, Lily spies the child size table full of plates, with goldfish, boxes of apple juice, and she charges for it. I haven't told you, yet, these snacks are already spoken for so I am trying to corral Lily before she takes a drink, oops, too late. She just drank somebody else's juice. Hopefully, the other child who owns the juice box is not sick. Lily just got over the diarrhea. Oh well, germs are good right? So while I am changing Morgan's diaper, Lily starts her roaming. She is famous for checking out other rooms of other peoples houses'. The host mom reassures me that Lily is just fine and not hurting anything, but I don't want Lily to wear out her welcome. Okay, so I am trying to get Lily back to play with the other kids and she starts screaming. It is meltdown time because she is getting very close to her nap time. Needless to say, I load up everything and we head for Target to pick up the grandmas. We make a quick stop at Chick fil a then travel home. Feed Lily, put her down for a nap, nurse Morgan, and ,finally, some quiet time. I think I took a little snooze, too. After the nap we are off running again, Tuesday Morning is our destination. We are in the store forever it seems. This store is cool for "off the wall" stuff. Random stuff you end up putting in your basket you think you have to have. I found a package of pretty dinner napkins for the jewelry party I am hosting next Fri. Grandma Suzy found an Elmo Restaurant for Lily for Christmas. Lily will love it. We finally leave TM and pick up food at LaMadeline. Yummy Caesar salads. Head home, eat, bathe Lily, Grandma Suzy cuddles with Lily before bed, I nurse Morgan, Lily goes to bed, followed by Morgan, and Grandma Suzy and I look up random words on Urban Dictionary. This site is hilarious. We have a few belly hurting laughs (I love these times with mom, the corning stuff we crack up at) then I go to bed. Saturday morning we take it slow, then off running again. To the drapery place, El Fenix, and then Stonebriar Centre so mom can find new accessories for her Iphone. At home, again, and it is feed, bathe, cuddle Lily before her going to bed. I nurse Morgan and she is off to bed. I stay up entirely to late after both grandmas go to bed. Sunday morning, I am exhausted, Grandma Suzy gets up with Lily and does her morning schedule. Thank goodness. I clean then go to Brookshires to get the DMN for the coupons. After we hug and tell the grandmas, "Bye", I put Lily down for a nap, nurse Morgan and have a little quite time for me. Husband makes it home and Lily is thrilled. She adores her Daddy. Later Grandma and Grandpa W come over for dinner. More attention for Lily. She is relating Sunday nights to grandparents, dinner, playing outside, and blowing bubbles. Grandma Suzy bought her a blowing bubbles contraption. The bottom looks like regular bubbles, but the top has a lever you pull back and "magic", the bubbles come out. Lily knows how to work it and she gets very stingy with it. If you try to help her with more bubble liquid she holds on to it for dear life like you are going to take it away. It is so funny to watch her to work this bubble machine. She is figuring out how things work, I am so proud! But tonight was a different story. Lily did not get to blow bubbles. All weekend the weather was terrible. It rained and rained and rained. Lily was very disappointed about not being able to go outside. She cried, screamed, and cried more. We ate dinner, I was about to bathe Lily then thought, "Ya know it wouldn't hurt for Lily to go outside. Even though it is sprinkling, that is the same as running through a sprinkler, right?" She felt so relieved to run outside. Now with Lily in good spirits she got a bath and cuddled with Daddy before bedtime. Sunday nights are fun and good memories for all!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
1st post!!!

Okay, so I am thrilled I have a blog. I am so cool! Just don't expect correct spelling, punctuation, and all of that stuff. I can barely achieve keeping this blog while being wife, mommy, chef, housekeeper, chaufer, friend, daughter, etc. I always envied those who kept blogs, and I finally decided to just do it. I only wish I would have started keeping this blog while pregnant with Lily. I have a calender where I kept track of Lily's development, but this blog seems so definite. You know not like paper. I feel that anyone who reads this blog will have missed out on all of the great happenings in Lily's life before 20 months of age. Okay in the grand scheme of things that sounds lame, but I adore my girls and believe they are the most sweetest creatures on earth. Just like every other mom thinks of their babies! So this blog starts while Lily being 20 months old and Morgan being 4 months old. I can't wait to track their development, tell of funny stories, vent about life, and just chat (type) away to my new blog. Stay tuned for adorable, humorous, enlightening, and informative posts! Happy Blogging!
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