Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Winter Park, CO 2011: part 2

Today was ladies day on the slopes! Which also meant today was "daddy daycare!"
The daddies made sure the kids were entertained all day. They attended gymnastics in the morning came home for lunch, naps & then swimming in the afternoon.
Us mommas had a blast on the slopes. We didn't attempt anything too crazy just a day full of nice & easy runs with a relaxing lunch in the mix.
Once everyone arrived home we wanted to prepare a fast, fuss-free dinner. You have to understand while we are in WP we prepare & eat fabulous meals & drink amazing wine. Most meals would rival a 5 star restaurant. But tonight we needed an easy fix. So we went with chicken & steak quesadillas and, of course, margaritas!
What a perfect way to end a perfect CO day & evening!
Thanks Frankie for whipping up our tasty dinner!

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