Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This won't be funny when she's 16!

Sweet Miss Morgan has found her boogers!
You're probably thinking "why in the world would I post this pic?!?!"
Well, I think it's hilarious! Gross, but funny. I guess I think it's humorous because Lily never picked her boogers, but Morgan does & I don't know where she learned it. Most of her actions she performs these days are learned from Lily or I. She very much mimics everything we do so I'm just confused about the booger situation....
Wait, I know where she learned it.... Her "papa!" Yes, that's it. In fact, in this picture she is sitting in her papa's office chair, holding down the fort, while he is out of town. She obviously must have been channeling him.
I sent Morgan's papa a text message with this picture via my sister-in-law telling him "Morgan picked you something for Valentine's Day!"
I'm sure he appreciated my "odd" sense of humor.... He is an Okie after all!!!!
P.S. She didn't eat it! Hahaha!

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