Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1st snow of twenty11...

These pics were taken a couple of weeks ago hours after the first snowfall of 2011. Yes, my "living dolls" are wearing faux fur coats, tutus & cowgirls boots! That's how we do it in Texas!
Yesterday, Valentines's Day, and today's weather was beautiful. So, I feel it's fitting to post my pretty pics of the snow because the weather here in Texas can change in an instant!
I love referring to my girls as "living dolls" because it reminds me of my mom. She referred to me as a "living doll" when I was young. So I guess I can say, "I'm turning into my mom!"
That's okay for me. My mom always knew exactly what to say to me when I was feeling down, stressed or if my confidence was waivering. I knew she was my biggest fan...and still is!
Happy Valentine's Day, Mom! See you in a couple of weeks. My "living dolls" will be excited to see you!

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