Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the night before...

One year ago, tonight, after eating a big bowl of pasta, the husband and I drove to Baylor Frisco for the inducing of our second baby. While driving to the hospital we finally decided on a full name for our "soon to be born" baby. We had tossed many names around but finally we got serious in the car ride over.
We didn't quite know what to expect for the induction. I went into labor on my own with Lily, but with our second baby we needed more of a definite answer as to when the baby was to be born because we needed to arrange the grandmas for babysitting duties of Miss Lily.
We arrived at the beautiful hospital and it felt like we were in a hotel lobby. As we walked through the labor and delivery doors it seemed a little more hospitalish but still we were very impressed. No hospital smell, beautiful floral arrangements, comfortable waiting areas, and awesome nurses. I was prepped for inducing and was told to try to get comfortable. I was allowed to eat until midnight so the husband raided the snack room and brought back cookies and other snacks for us to munch on. I pulled out my book to read myself to sleep, but it didn't work. My night of sleep was terrible. Not because I was in pain, but I just couldn't sleep. It didn't help that the nurses came in every hour or so to check my vitals. They were very sweet and polite so I wasn't that preturbed at them. I don't think the husband slept very well either on the pullout chair. Imagine a six foot man on a five foot pullout chair. Not that comfortable! I should of given him the sleeping pill I was allowed to take because it simply didn't help me at all.
This not being my first rodeo, I knew I should have made myself go to sleep. With the sleepless nights in the very near future I should have slept. What is that ole saying, "hindsight is 20/20"?
Oh well, things will turn out perfectly, but you have to wait until tomorrow to read more!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love reminiscing (sp?) the time leading up to us meeting Kendall. It is truly hard to imagine life before her as I'm sure it is for you. Your blog entry makes me feel like I'm at Christmas Eve service when they read from the bible about Jesus' arrival!
