Today, one year ago, sweet baby Morgan Antonia was born!
The "actual" induction started about 7:30am. Three short hours and a few minutes later she was born. The pitocin set in and worked very fast! I was given a little something through the IV because I was not ready for an epidural. This drug was horrible. I went from sane to crazy in a matter of seconds. I was crying one minute then laughing hysterically the next all while having a contraction. The husband finally said, "You have got to get ahold of yourself!" Which makes me chuckle today because when you are under the type of drug I was given there is no "getting ahold of yourself!". Anyway, I was dilated at a 5, given an epidural shortly later, and literally went from a 7 to 10 in a matter of 25 minutes. With lots of pressure down below, I was ready to push, but no doctor! I started to become very nauseous and I remember the head nurse saying, "DO NOT LET HER THROW-UP... IF SHE THROWS UP SHE WILL DELIVER THIS BABY AND I DO NOT WANT HER DELIVERING THIS BABY UNTIL THE DOCTOR GETS HERE!!!"
I'm thinking "oh my goodness, did she just say that?"
No fear, fabulous Dr. J arrives and a few pushes later Miss Morgie was born. All of her sweetness. Just amazing!
Morgan Antonia
April 29, 2009
7lbs 1oz
Awe, Happy Birthday baby girl! Love reading about that special day.