Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy First Birthday!!!

Today, one year ago, sweet baby Morgan Antonia was born!
The "actual" induction started about 7:30am. Three short hours and a few minutes later she was born. The pitocin set in and worked very fast! I was given a little something through the IV because I was not ready for an epidural. This drug was horrible. I went from sane to crazy in a matter of seconds. I was crying one minute then laughing hysterically the next all while having a contraction. The husband finally said, "You have got to get ahold of yourself!" Which makes me chuckle today because when you are under the type of drug I was given there is no "getting ahold of yourself!". Anyway, I was dilated at a 5, given an epidural shortly later, and literally went from a 7 to 10 in a matter of 25 minutes. With lots of pressure down below, I was ready to push, but no doctor! I started to become very nauseous and I remember the head nurse saying, "DO NOT LET HER THROW-UP... IF SHE THROWS UP SHE WILL DELIVER THIS BABY AND I DO NOT WANT HER DELIVERING THIS BABY UNTIL THE DOCTOR GETS HERE!!!"
I'm thinking "oh my goodness, did she just say that?"
No fear, fabulous Dr. J arrives and a few pushes later Miss Morgie was born. All of her sweetness. Just amazing!
Morgan Antonia
April 29, 2009
7lbs 1oz

1 comment:

  1. Awe, Happy Birthday baby girl! Love reading about that special day.
