I can't even express how much I adore you!
Let me tell you some of the ways.....
Your sweet smile with your crinkled nose. Your calm disposition. The way your second toe is shorter than your big toe. Your precious giggle. The way you wrestle and hold your own with big sis Lily. The fact your first word was, "momma!". The way you know to clap your hands when Lily and I say, "Yay!". The way you give me, "five". The way you lay your head on my shoulder as if your saying, "I love you, mommy!" . The way you smile at your daddy when he enters the room. The exciting little screams you deliver to your sissy and I. The way you dance when I sing to you.
But most of all just because your you!
Your daddy and I love you more than you'll ever know!
SO sweet!