Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dear Miss Morgan

I can't even express how much I adore you!
Let me tell you some of the ways.....
Your sweet smile with your crinkled nose. Your calm disposition. The way your second toe is shorter than your big toe. Your precious giggle. The way you wrestle and hold your own with big sis Lily. The fact your first word was, "momma!". The way you know to clap your hands when Lily and I say, "Yay!". The way you give me, "five". The way you lay your head on my shoulder as if your saying, "I love you, mommy!" . The way you smile at your daddy when he enters the room. The exciting little screams you deliver to your sissy and I. The way you dance when I sing to you.
But most of all just because your you!
Your daddy and I love you more than you'll ever know!

Happy First Birthday!!!

Today, one year ago, sweet baby Morgan Antonia was born!
The "actual" induction started about 7:30am. Three short hours and a few minutes later she was born. The pitocin set in and worked very fast! I was given a little something through the IV because I was not ready for an epidural. This drug was horrible. I went from sane to crazy in a matter of seconds. I was crying one minute then laughing hysterically the next all while having a contraction. The husband finally said, "You have got to get ahold of yourself!" Which makes me chuckle today because when you are under the type of drug I was given there is no "getting ahold of yourself!". Anyway, I was dilated at a 5, given an epidural shortly later, and literally went from a 7 to 10 in a matter of 25 minutes. With lots of pressure down below, I was ready to push, but no doctor! I started to become very nauseous and I remember the head nurse saying, "DO NOT LET HER THROW-UP... IF SHE THROWS UP SHE WILL DELIVER THIS BABY AND I DO NOT WANT HER DELIVERING THIS BABY UNTIL THE DOCTOR GETS HERE!!!"
I'm thinking "oh my goodness, did she just say that?"
No fear, fabulous Dr. J arrives and a few pushes later Miss Morgie was born. All of her sweetness. Just amazing!
Morgan Antonia
April 29, 2009
7lbs 1oz

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the night before...

One year ago, tonight, after eating a big bowl of pasta, the husband and I drove to Baylor Frisco for the inducing of our second baby. While driving to the hospital we finally decided on a full name for our "soon to be born" baby. We had tossed many names around but finally we got serious in the car ride over.
We didn't quite know what to expect for the induction. I went into labor on my own with Lily, but with our second baby we needed more of a definite answer as to when the baby was to be born because we needed to arrange the grandmas for babysitting duties of Miss Lily.
We arrived at the beautiful hospital and it felt like we were in a hotel lobby. As we walked through the labor and delivery doors it seemed a little more hospitalish but still we were very impressed. No hospital smell, beautiful floral arrangements, comfortable waiting areas, and awesome nurses. I was prepped for inducing and was told to try to get comfortable. I was allowed to eat until midnight so the husband raided the snack room and brought back cookies and other snacks for us to munch on. I pulled out my book to read myself to sleep, but it didn't work. My night of sleep was terrible. Not because I was in pain, but I just couldn't sleep. It didn't help that the nurses came in every hour or so to check my vitals. They were very sweet and polite so I wasn't that preturbed at them. I don't think the husband slept very well either on the pullout chair. Imagine a six foot man on a five foot pullout chair. Not that comfortable! I should of given him the sleeping pill I was allowed to take because it simply didn't help me at all.
This not being my first rodeo, I knew I should have made myself go to sleep. With the sleepless nights in the very near future I should have slept. What is that ole saying, "hindsight is 20/20"?
Oh well, things will turn out perfectly, but you have to wait until tomorrow to read more!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

When mommy talks on the phone...

As a child, what did you do when your mommy talked on the phone?
You know, before cordless home phones. Before we could chase our child around the house while he/she is screaming way too loud and making it a very horrible for the person on the other line.
We had those old heavy phones with the spin dial. I'm sure they have a specific name but I can't think of it right now.
Any way, before all of that, did you do anything funny or dangerous while your mommy talked on the phone?
My brother used to strip my mom and dad's bed. My mom would walk into her room and find sheets, pillows, and blankets all over the floor. He also would get the eggs out of the refrigerator and smash them on the floor. Lovely, right?
These days, sweet Miss Lily has realized she can take advantage of my phone conversations. It seems to me she knows she can get by with a little more that usual just because I'm on the phone. Maybe, she knows I'm not going to scream at her like a crazed woman with someone else on the other end.
A few things she has accomplished in a very stealth like manner while I'm talking on the phone.
1. She just all of the sudden disappears...
2. I find her completely neckid, diaper and all, GONE.
3. I find her up on a stool where she found a highliter and is going to town coloring on whatever paper she can find.
4. I find in our fireplace and because it is open on both sides, she makes her way through to the other side, while I'm trying to grab her before she gets ashes everywhere.
5. I find her in the freezer looking for her frozen corn.
6. I find in the refrigerator looking for cheese or pudding.
7. I find her in the pantry looking for cookies.

You know, as I re-read this I think I need to get of the phone and feed my child!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Review of Swaddle Designs Polka Dot Ultimate Receiving Blanket - Apple Green

Originally submitted at Toys R Us

Swaddle Designs swaddling blankets are larger than typical receiving blankets at 42 inches by 42 inches square and features designer prints by RN and mother of two, Lynette Damir. Swaddle Designs Ultimate Receiving blanket is made from 100 percent premium preshrunk cotton flannel. Each blanket come...

a must have

By mommanat from anna, tx on 4/14/2010


5out of 5

Pros: Lightweight, Easy To Put On, Soft, Strong Seams, Breathable

Best Uses: Everyday Wear, Sleeptime

Describe Yourself: Parent of Two or More Children

I received this swaddle blanket for my first daughter and loved it so much it was a must have for my second daughter. I am a firm believer in swaddling so my girls were literally swaddled in their "swaddle" blankets religiously. In return they were easy soothed and slept very well. Now my girls (2yrs and 11 1/2 months) use these blankets as their "blankies". Our swaddle blankets have been washed constantly and they are still in great shape and soooo soft. The index card gives perfect instructions for those who don't know how to swaddle! It is a must have!!!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nutella anyone???

When Lily goes to Giulia's house she thinks it is snack time. Giulia always has tasty treats for Lily so when we arrive at her house Lily takes herself directly to Giulia's pantry and digs out her favorite snack of the day. It could be crackers, rolls with cream cheese, or, as in this picture, straight Nutella! Giulia was spreading the Nutella on bread for Lily at first, but that wasn't good enough. Lily dove right in scooping out the Nutella with her pointer finger!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

100 years old

My grandfather, the girl's great-grandfather turned 100 years old on April 2. We were not able to attend his Birthday party, but our thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are with him. My brother helped him with his truck last week (spark plugs or something), anyway, after that my grandpa said, "Heck, I might as well go on and trade in my truck." Yep, he still drives! Can you imagine a 100 year old man, wearing overalls and, probably a cowboy hat, going to a car dealership wanting to trade in his truck for something newer! The thought of it makes me chuckle. I haven't mentioned, either, that grandpa still has a garden and sells his fresh produce around town at a few businesses. The thougth of that makes me smile, too!
Happy Birthday Grandpa, see you soon!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dallas Arboretum

Today, the girls and I met our friends Lauren, Riley and Sutton at the Dallas Arboretum. Our plan was to shoot adorable spring pictures with the beautiful flowers in the background, enjoy a picnic then let the kids run & play. We accomplished most of that until the kids spotted the gigantic sprinklers shooting out of the mouth of even more gigantic statue frogs. The kids splashed in the water and Lily attempted to strip down to a diaper, however, I didn't think it was proper "Dallas Arboretum Etiquette" to let your child run "NECKID" through the sprinklers! We very much enjoyed ourselves today. Thanks to Lauren, Riley and Sutton for a fun day!