As a child, what did you do when your mommy talked on the phone?
You know, before cordless home phones. Before we could chase our child around the house while he/she is screaming way too loud and making it a very horrible for the person on the other line.
We had those old heavy phones with the spin dial. I'm sure they have a specific name but I can't think of it right now.
Any way, before all of that, did you do anything funny or dangerous while your mommy talked on the phone?
My brother used to strip my mom and dad's bed. My mom would walk into her room and find sheets, pillows, and blankets all over the floor. He also would get the eggs out of the refrigerator and smash them on the floor. Lovely, right?
These days, sweet Miss Lily has realized she can take advantage of my phone conversations. It seems to me she knows she can get by with a little more that usual just because I'm on the phone. Maybe, she knows I'm not going to scream at her like a crazed woman with someone else on the other end.
A few things she has accomplished in a very stealth like manner while I'm talking on the phone.
1. She just all of the sudden disappears...
2. I find her completely neckid, diaper and all, GONE.
3. I find her up on a stool where she found a highliter and is going to town coloring on whatever paper she can find.
4. I find in our fireplace and because it is open on both sides, she makes her way through to the other side, while I'm trying to grab her before she gets ashes everywhere.
5. I find her in the freezer looking for her frozen corn.
6. I find in the refrigerator looking for cheese or pudding.
7. I find her in the pantry looking for cookies.
You know, as I re-read this I think I need to get of the phone and feed my child!!!