Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Winter Park, CO 2011: part 2

Today was ladies day on the slopes! Which also meant today was "daddy daycare!"
The daddies made sure the kids were entertained all day. They attended gymnastics in the morning came home for lunch, naps & then swimming in the afternoon.
Us mommas had a blast on the slopes. We didn't attempt anything too crazy just a day full of nice & easy runs with a relaxing lunch in the mix.
Once everyone arrived home we wanted to prepare a fast, fuss-free dinner. You have to understand while we are in WP we prepare & eat fabulous meals & drink amazing wine. Most meals would rival a 5 star restaurant. But tonight we needed an easy fix. So we went with chicken & steak quesadillas and, of course, margaritas!
What a perfect way to end a perfect CO day & evening!
Thanks Frankie for whipping up our tasty dinner!

Winter Park, CO 2011: part 1

We are back in WP and I'm thrilled. As I've stated before it's a different way of life here. No deadlines, no times schedules, no contracts to be dealt with, just a complete relaxed way of life. Yes, we do have to make it to the slopes on time, still feed & put the girls to bed on time, but I feel as if I'm in no "rush" while I'm here. Another great thing... We drink A LOT of wine while we are here!!! HAHAHA! That wasn't what I was gonna initially type, but I thought it sounded good plus it's true!
Back to my story... I don't always have to put on make-up & fix my hair while I'm here. My hair is short so I can put on a cool, ski beanie & I'm good to go! Love it! Hey, I figure I'm still more appropriate looking than the family I encountered at the Safeway, who had a mom with dreads, older than her kids, which, by the way, looked as though they had just bathed or rolled themselves in dirt! Now, how is that possible when there is literally 6ft of snow in some places? Anyway, I digress.
So, you get my drift, We're on vaca & we love it! I took about a 2 mile walk this morning. Yes, it was 7 degrees outside, at an altitude of about 8,500ft above sea level, and you might say, "well that's no vacation", but I will tell you it was one of the best walks I've had in a long time. No "momma-momma" noise just the sight of beautiful snow, fresh air, the sound of my feet crunching in the the snow & of course frozen snot! Yea, I had to type it. It was part of my nice morning alone, after all. Then, I came inside & did 20 push-ups, just for good measure! My trainer, Pam, will be so proud!

Late this afternoon the girls, Frankie & I ventured outside to test-out the "make-shift" sledding hill in front of our house. Frankie packed it down real good, (wow! I sounded like a real hick saying that!), so we could put the trusty ole orange, plastic sled to work. I videoed & took pics while Frankie sat the girls on the sled with him & away they flew down the mini-sledding hill!
It was hilarious! The girls loved it & wanted to go again & again! Morgan clapped her hands & squealed after the ride and Lily said, "I go fast, fast, fast!"
I think I have some dare-devils on my hands!

Enjoy the pics...

Sweet Baby Mojo clapping her hands! She loves all the snow garb & being outside!
Lily... She's like, "yea, I'm cool in my snow suit!"
My "living dolls" in matching snow suits! When I bought their matching suits I was thinking to myself, "If they're wearing matching snowsuits, at least, I will be able to spot them in a crowd of people or when they're skiing down the mountain" Clever, huh? I think I'm giving myself more credit than I deserve! ha!
These pics are taken as Frankie & the girls partake in their Christening of the "mini-sledding hill" in front of the house. I giggle everytime I look at these pics!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1st snow of twenty11...

These pics were taken a couple of weeks ago hours after the first snowfall of 2011. Yes, my "living dolls" are wearing faux fur coats, tutus & cowgirls boots! That's how we do it in Texas!
Yesterday, Valentines's Day, and today's weather was beautiful. So, I feel it's fitting to post my pretty pics of the snow because the weather here in Texas can change in an instant!
I love referring to my girls as "living dolls" because it reminds me of my mom. She referred to me as a "living doll" when I was young. So I guess I can say, "I'm turning into my mom!"
That's okay for me. My mom always knew exactly what to say to me when I was feeling down, stressed or if my confidence was waivering. I knew she was my biggest fan...and still is!
Happy Valentine's Day, Mom! See you in a couple of weeks. My "living dolls" will be excited to see you!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This won't be funny when she's 16!

Sweet Miss Morgan has found her boogers!
You're probably thinking "why in the world would I post this pic?!?!"
Well, I think it's hilarious! Gross, but funny. I guess I think it's humorous because Lily never picked her boogers, but Morgan does & I don't know where she learned it. Most of her actions she performs these days are learned from Lily or I. She very much mimics everything we do so I'm just confused about the booger situation....
Wait, I know where she learned it.... Her "papa!" Yes, that's it. In fact, in this picture she is sitting in her papa's office chair, holding down the fort, while he is out of town. She obviously must have been channeling him.
I sent Morgan's papa a text message with this picture via my sister-in-law telling him "Morgan picked you something for Valentine's Day!"
I'm sure he appreciated my "odd" sense of humor.... He is an Okie after all!!!!
P.S. She didn't eat it! Hahaha!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh nutella....

How I love u!
I had no idea you are so versatile! You tantalized my taste buds in Paris while being spread upon fresh croissants & crepes.... I enjoyed the fact you were everywhere in Italy when I needed you so.... And here in my small town in Texas you've thrilled me once again!
I've been afraid to bake with you due to the fact your labeling states "do not refrigerate" & "do not microwave".
I guess I was afraid to "alter" your room temperature ways.... Until, I found a recipe of my FAVORITE cookie containing you as an ingredient, so I had to try!!!
And who knew you could make "no-bake cookies" (cat sh*t cookies) even more rich & tasty than they already are?!?!
Well you did & these cookies are soooo delicious I'll probably eat all of them! Actually, I KNOW I'll eat all of them!

P.S. "no-bake cookies" can also be called "cat sh*t cookies" because once you pour the cookie batter atop wax paper thats along your countertops it looks as if your sweet feline has come thru & did his #2 business all along your countertops! Gross, huh? But it doesn't stop me from eating em!!!! Lol!