Friday, January 21, 2011

Morgan's walking!.....

And has been for several months, but I never posted her milestone.
This is what happened...The husband went out of town for a long weekend so the girls & I had our friends Ashley & Kendall over for a couple of nights. Lily & Kendall, at the time, played, ran, colored, and climbed all over the place, where as, Morgan was only able to crawl or walk by holding on to something near by. Well, needless to say, I guess Morgan was tired of watching Lily & Kendall have all the fun so the very next day she let go of everything & began walking!
It seems she turned into a toddler overnight. No more "baby" stuff like riding on my hip all day long or whining until I figure out what she wants. Now she lets me know exactly what she wants! If she wants her shoes she says, "shoes!" and brings them to me so I can help her put them on, if she wants a cheese stick or fruit snacks she opens up the fridge or walks into the pantry, grabs her snack of choice, brings it to me so I can open it up for her, if she wants her "bebe" (pacifier) she says "bebe", and if she wants her sippy cup she says, "memma" (lemonade). She follows one step directions like throwing away trash, picking up toys, or handing me something I need.
She, also, has suprised me and is putting two words together.. Like "night, night daddy", "bye-bye daddy", "where's sissy?", "no momma", "you okay?", and "bye-bye ken-kal, (our friend Kendall)"
Morgan is such a sweetie and growing up so fast!

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