Friday, January 21, 2011

Lily's 3rd Birthday Party

Lily's Birthday party was a blast! We had a few friends over for jingle-bell necklaces, making reindeer headbands, snacks, juice boxes, Grimaldi's pizza, Birthday cake, and...... here it goes..... SANTA!!!!
Yes, this year Santa was a hit! Last year Lily wanted no part in Santa, but this year she was excited to see him. She even held him by the hand and walked him inside after he arrived on the mule. Everyone took turns sitting on Santa's lap and telling him what they want for Christmas. And, in return, Santa handed out party favors from his big, red, Santa toy bag.
After Santa's visit we feasted on our FAVORITE cake from Panini's bakery in Dallas. Oh my gosh, the "white chocolate, raspberry filled" cake that we always order from Panini's is soooooo yummy!!!! They decorated the cake exactly like the napkins & plates we used for Lily's party. It was decorated so cute, too!
After cake, Lily opened her Birthday gifts. She received some really great presents and the kids had fun playing with them.
I'm always so thankful our friends & family take a few hours out of their Saturday, in December, right before Christmas, to celebrate Lily's birthday.
I'm, also, thankful we are able to give to the "Marine Corps Toys for Tots".
I always want my girls to know it's fun to receive, but it's awesome to give.
Thank you to our friends & family for such a FUN, SPECIAL, CRAZY, LOUD, MEMORABLE
3rd Birthday party for Lily.

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