Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Because we live out in the country and have only a couple of neighbors, every Halloween we go to our friends house in town to "trick or treat" in their neighborhood. This year Lily very much understood "trick or treating". Last year she new to walk up to houses, ring the door bell and greet the homeowner, but this year she new she was to receive candy at each house. She was very proud of all the candy she had accumulated in her "Shrek head" Halloween container. Sweet Miss Morgan, on the other hand, had no worries at all. She just cruised around in a wagon pulled by daddy Frank, picking up and eating random pieces of candy that landed on the bottom of the wagon.
Morgan was dressed up as "Puss in Boots"
Lily was dressed up as "Dronkey" both from "Shrek 4"
They were cute little characters, if I do say so myself :)

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