Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This pic of Morgan was taken after an Easter egg hunt we had with the mom's group we belong to.
The weather was a little warm & getting ready to storm like crazy so I hurried & sat the girls on the curb to take pics. The pic of both the girls didn't turn out so well, but in this one Morgan is actually saying "cheese!" Her bangs are hanging in her face & her little cheeks are red from running, playing & hunting those fun, colorful, plastic, eggs. Her favorite eggs were the one with chocolate inside!!! Mmm!!
I will type this so many times throughout my blog so sorry if you get tired of reading it, but here it goes....
"I can't believe she's getting so big!"
"I can't believe she's growing up so fast!"
My little Mojo is not a baby anymore. And more & more a toddler everyday. She'll be 2 in a few days & I get teary-eyed just thinking about how fast 2 years have flown by.
What a living doll she is :)

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