Sunday, April 24, 2011

Something on Sundays

I just woke up from a little nap. You see we've been having storms since about 7pm-ish this evening & about 8pm-ish our electricity went out. At the time Morgan was already in bed asleep & Lily was relaxing with me on the chair. When the power went out Frank opened up a window in the living room to let a nice breeze flow through. I laid down in the couch with Lily laying on my chest and we fell asleep for about an hour. I loved this moment. I cherish the times when Lily falls asleep on my chest. When she was a tiny baby & endured colic every night from 7-10, I often had her laying on my chest. I guess I became so familiar with the feel of something laying on my me I would have Morgan take many naps while laying on my chest & even to this day I fall asleep better on my back with a pillow on my chest. I guess it's my body's way of remembering such a wonderful, comfortable moment of babies falling asleep on my chest.

Today, Easter, has been such a perfect day. We woke up early and met Frank's family at Church for early service. After Church we came back home with everyone so the kids could hunt Easter eggs before brunch. The Easter bunny "hid" (and I use the term "hid" loosely) all the eggs outside and the kiddos had a great time collecting the eggs in their baskets. After the egg hunt we enjoyed brunch at Hurricane Creek Country Club and then came back home so the kids could play outside on the trampoline and swing set. They had so much fun. It's really great watching Lily, Morgan and their cousin play, share, smile, laugh, count, run and experience special time together.
After everyone left, the girls opened up their Easter baskets. Daddy Easter bunny gave the girls their surprise (precious flip-flops & a bathing suit cover-up) earlier in the day so this evening they opened the rest of their Easter presents. The girls received rolling suitcases filled with panties, new PJs and plastic eggs filled with peanut M&Ms. I told Lily she could take her new rolling bag to school and she informed me that her new bag was for vacation & not for school! I guess she's ready to go on vacation again :)

You will have to wait for Easter pics until the morning. My night is all of schedule due to storms and power outage, therefore, I'm going to force myself to go to sleep so I can go workout at 5am. I'm hoping to post pics after workout and before the girls wake up.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter as we did ours....Happy Easter from Texas y'all!

This fabulous and most informative email was sent from Natalie's iPhone :)

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