Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ain't that Something?

I'm going to start a new something for my blog. It will be called "Ain't that something?" More like a themed day... A little something on Sundays. It may be good, bad, sweet, wonderful or amazing, but it will be a little something. I'm sure most posts will be about baby girl stuff such as PJs, socks, bows or great deals I've found here or there, but I'm looking forward to keeping my blog up to date by this new "themed day" plan.
So my first "Ain't that something" starts today! And the topic is amazing!

My Grandfather's 101st Birthday!

The girls and I just got back home from Oklahoma where we spent the weekend. We attended our Grandpa's Birthday party on Saturday morning and had so much fun. I hate to admit the obvious, but I'm pretty sure Grandpa's friends have all passed away so needless to say there were only family members at the party. Some of my aunts, uncles & cousins I haven't seen in a few years, and for some it was the first time to meet both of my girls. It was such a cherished moment for all of us to be together. Grandpa looked amazing for 101 years old. He told me his knees were giving him trouble so he has to make sure he takes it slow & easy when getting around so he doesn't fall.
We enjoyed fried chicken, beans (of course!), cornbread, different salads, and Birthday cake. Grandpa's cake was decorated with a garden on top because he is a gardener. And has been for as long as I can remember. No wonder his knees are giving out on him!
The girls enjoyed themselves with all their cousins. Running, chasing, screamimg, eating a ton of cake & icing and just having good kid fun! I had an uncle, referring to my girls, say to me, "wow they're wild!"
I said, "Yes, they are!" with a grin on my face. As my girls, who started their day in white tights, a cute purple balloon dress and, as Lily calls them, "her princess shoes", were now wearing no shoes, no tights, bows had been pulled out of their hair and cake was smeared from their toes to the top of their heads!
We, along with many family members,and, of course, Grandpa celebrated an amazing 101 years of his life!
Ain't that something?

This pic is of 4 generations...
My grandpa, my dad, my brother, my sweet baby girls & myself!
(Before my girls went totally wild, took off their tights and smeared chocolate cake all over themselves!)

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