Sunday, October 16, 2011


Is our spooky ghost...
I'm amazed this little guy is floating in air, well not really floating, but completely suspended with out any support. I heart him!
This is totally the best, most fun craft I've ever made. Completing the task is very easy & he's so darn cute. I accompanied him with a couple mini pumpkins & a BOO sign made by, yours truly, with scrap wood, black paint, BOO letters & modge-podge!
Here is the link for instructions to my new friend. You'll find great instruction, I will just add I was very anxious to complete him so I think I could have had more patience & added a couple more layers of spray starch. The sun was going down when I made him so I did use a hairdryer & it worked great. All of the will make sense once you read the link.
I hope all of y'all add a new ghostly friend to your house!
Happy Fall Y'all :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Lily has a name for pumpkins and since Morgan has heard it so often she does, too.
It's "Punkin-mans"
I'm thinking Lily named all pumpkins, Punkin-mans, because during this time of the year most are carved with a "face". But who knows maybe she says Punkin-mans because she can't pronounce pumpkins? Oh, well, I think Punkin-mans is a cute name. So we'll stick with it :)

I had big plans for these Punkin-mans..
But before I could decide which method of decorating- you know there's so many ideas on Pinterest- my girls got out their sparkly paint markers & went to town. They then followed up with a pumpkin decorating kit we found at Wal-Mart, a treat they received by behaving well at the store.
These Punkin-mans won't win any awards, but they're kinda cute in a preschool, graffiti way. :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I've been creative.... :))))

I promised in an earlier post I would keep you abreast of my creations that are for sale. I plan to attend a few trade shows and church craft sales this upcomping Holiday season, but for now I've opened up an etsy shop. For those of you unfamiliar with etsy, it's a site where everything for purchase is handmade, made to order or vintage. Anything you can imagine is on this one website! I could literally spend hours cruising through all the unique items that are up for sale!
My shop is.....
I hope you find something you fancy!
Have a good day :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bring on the fall!

Summer is officially over, as of tomorrow, so I wanted to talk about our summer. We as a family started our summer in South Padre Island for Memorial Day weekend, A great weekend we spent on the beach, at the pool, eating lots of seafood, and enjoying our girls. We spent a few weeks at home then as a family we went to Winter Park, CO. We drove our truck to CO because the girls and I had planned to spend the month of July there. Daddy Frank spent a week with us, then he flew home, and planned to fly back at the end of the month so we could all drive home together.

While the girls & I were in WP we made so many fabulous memories. We had a great time together. I would say that I am a patient person, but being alone with two baby girls 24/7 for a month really made me dig deep and have even more patience. Every morning, on Monday thru Fridays, we got an early start for either gymnastics or swimming lessons for the girls, or a workout class for me. After our respective classes we spent time at the pool. The Rec center, where we spent all this time, in WP is very, very nice! It is such a welcomed place for WP and surrounding towns. You can workout alone, take yoga, Pilate's, spin, or a plethora of other classes, spend time in the hot tub, sauna, steam room, swim laps, rock climb, or pick up a game of basketball in the gym. And all that's for the adults. The kids schedule is just as busy!

Anyway, back to our schedule, after our mornings spent at the Rec center we either went home for lunch, went to park for a picnic, or picked up a slice of pizza from the local pizzeria. After lunch we went home for naps. I tucked both girls in my bed, read them a story then took Morgan to her crib and each one always had a restful nap. Prior to nap time everyday I told myself, "today lay down and take a nap". But I never did. I, 99% of the time, ended up on the back deck reading, folding clothes, making a few phone calls and enjoying the sun, refreshing breeze and, of course, just quite time. After naps, the girls were ready to go again. We usually went to the neighborhood park, took a walk around the block, or attended the free concerts in Hideaway Park. Dinner time and showers was next followed by, usually, a trip to the store for a little ice cream. Then it was night-night time and we started it all over the next day.

Was our "alone" time in WP all perfect? NO! I admit, sometimes we laughed, sometimes I yelled & a few times I cried. But as I mentioned before, I learned to dig deep for patience.
But the most fun was just letting the girls play, laugh, dance, sing & love each other. Several nights while I was preparing dinner I turned of the TVs and turned up their favorite Sugarland CD and let them dance. The doors were open, windows were open and they were free. They danced inside and outside and I'm sure our neighbors thought we were wild Indians..... Wait, we are!!!

Will the girls & I spend our summer in WP next year? ABSOLUTELY! In a few years we won't be able to do it, the girls will have soccer games and softball games all summer, so until then we will spend our summer in WP.

Daddy Frank flew in to WP for a few days, then we made our drive home. I was in a funk for a few days I will have to say, but soon got over it. We went back to WP for Labor Day weekend then home for a couple of days before school started. But as you read in my previous post, the girls missed their first day of school due to a stomach bug.

But they started their first day on the second day. Lily LOVES school. She was very excited and welcomed the idea. She into her new classroom "meeting & greeting" everyone. Morgan, on the other hand, was excited about school when we talked about it, but when I dropped her off and it was time for me to leave she started to cry :(   Poor little thing! I can't believe it is already time for her to go to school! I tell everyone "it seemed like forever for Lily to start pre-school then I literally blink my eyes and it's time for Morgan to attend school! When I picked up Morgan from school her teacher told me as soon as left Morgan quit crying! I felt so relieved! And she had a fabulous time!

Here are some pics of their first day....

 Morgan at the play-doh table
 Morgan & her teacher
 Lily & I
 The girls ran to one another for hugs when seeing each other after school :)
Daddy Frank & his girls

Now we are ready for fall, cooler temps, pumpkins, yummy candles & decorating :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The "non" first day of school

Today is the day my living dolls were supposed to start school.

Last night I was preparing a "night before our first day of school" blog post, all in my mind (that is), when Lily needed to go potty. She had been fighting a stomach virus so I went into the bathroom with her in case she needed help. The next thing I know Morgan walks into the bathroom with us and starts projectile vomiting everywhere! I know as a mom to expect the unexpected, but I really had no idea I would have one child on the potty with diarrhea and the other vomiting everywhere on everything, including me!

Once Daddy Frank & I bathed the girls, scrubbed the whole bathroom & got them ready for bed, Lily slept with her daddy while I was caring for Morgan. She was very restless and didn't sleep well, AT ALL. We went from the towel covered recliner to the towel covered sofa at 1:15 a.m to her room at 4:15 a.m. (p.s. I covered our furniture with towels expecting for the worst!).
As of right now Morgan hasn't vomited in 12hours... And I'm praying she stays vomit free. Lily is better, too. This morning she's running, playing, drinking fluids & eating!
I believe if we are in the clear today my dolls will have their first day of school, on the second day of school, this Thursday. Wish us luck & stay tuned for a blog post telling you all about it.

Additional note... The following is Lily's conversation, on her play phone, to "I have no idea" after Morgan vomited everywhere...
Lily: uh, hi there...
Lily: could you please come clean-up my bathroom? yes, my sister just made a mess in there...
Lily: okay, thanks, bye!

It was as if she was calling the front desk at a hotel to have a maid come do her dirty work! This conversation was the most hilarious thing and I definitely needed the laugh! Later when Lily & I were talking to Grandma Suzy, Lily asked her, also, to come and clean her bathroom. I guess she was very worried about her bathroom which was just cleaned by "yours truly" while on my hands & knees. Now let's just hope I don't "catch it"....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This the outfit I wore today... Yes, I was wearing a scarf... I heart scarves... And as soon as it's not 100 degress outside I will be wearing more.
Today the girls & I made an early start to the grocery store. The outside temp was just below 90 so I took advantage of the cold-front & wore a scarf.
Anyhoo... After I dressed myself the following is a conversation between Lily & I.
Lily: "Momma, you're dressed like an ogre!"
Me: "Dressed like an ogre? What do you mean?"
Lily: "You know, like Fiona."
Me: "Oh, Princess Fiona! Thanks Lily!" ;)

I'm just hoping she meant I looked like Princess Fiona & not Ogress Fiona!
Maybe it was the cut-offs that were a little suspicious of being ogreish! Lol!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Someting on Sundays

This weekend was a very "easy-going" weekend. We enjoyed dinner out Friday night and woke up to rain on Saturday morning. Shocked we were! We haven't had rain since June and the heat has been so terrible the rain was very welcomed! Frank worked in the barn Saturday morning while the girls and I took it easy which gave me time to be a little creative. I had been wanting to make cakeballs for a while so this was the perfect time. Miss Lily loves helping however she can so I let her pour in ingredients and "try" to break eggs.

For other fun & creative stuff, I am planning to open an etsy account so I made a few items for it, also, this weekend. When I get it open I'll let you know. But for now, here are some pics from my "creative" weekend.

Orange Cakeballs
First, bake a cake, let it cool & cut in large pieces to break apart. 

 Use two forks & break apart the cake into crumbs.

Then mush in almost a whole tub of icing. 

I also used some orange rind & fresh orange juice. 

The cake will end up like this, mushy, but not too mushy. 

 Roll dough in balls or better yet use a melon baller.
Then put them in the freezer for a few hours to harden.

I didn't have any sticks so I used toothpics, inserted them into the cakeballs & dipped them in melted chocolate. I used two different kinds...some were dipped in melted chocolate almond bark and some in dark chocolate with toffee on top.
They are yummy...And easy to make, too!  

Blueberry Lemonade
Remember the blueberry patch? Well, they sold blueberry lemonade that was soooo yummy. Ever since then I've been searching for a recipe and finally found one that looked worthy. So I made blueberry lemonade this weekend, too. And the recipe was worthy. I thought it was just as good as the blueberry patch's lemonade.
You will need:
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
3 lemons cut into 3 slices
3/4 cup sugar
3 1/2 cups water
Throw all ingredients in a pot, bring to a boil, then simmer for 15 minutes. The water should reduce by a 1/2 cup, leaving a 3 cup syrup.
Strain mixture, let cool, add water to taste & enjoy!
It's really yummy, too! 

Last, but, not least & my FAVORITE part of the creative weekend....

These precious stocking hats with darling bows attached! I'm one of those moms that kept hats on my baby's head when it was winter time. My dilema, however, was "Do I put a cute bow on their head?" or "Do I put a hat on their head?"... Well, I always put a hat on their head, then when we arrived where we were going, I took the bow out of my purse or diaper bag and put it in their hair. So here's the best part, these hats will serve both purposes..... A warm hat & a darling bow.
I will be selling these hats along with whatever else I can find to make on my etsy account. So when it's open I'll let you know.

Y'all have a good week, now :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Something on Sundays

There is a favorite town & lake of ours in Colorado located outside of Winter Park, very close to the Rocky Mountain National Park entrance called Grand Lake. The old town has one main road running through it with shops on each side lined with boardwalks. We love to walk through the town, hit a few of our favorite shops, let our girls play at the playground then stop for ice-cream. This year I found out about a beautiful hiking trail, just outside of town, which leads up to a waterfall named Adams Falls. I decided to go check it out so I packed a lunch for the girls & I, we hiked up to the falls, ate our lunch and took some pics of one of God's masterpieces. The hike and falls were so amazing that when Frank joined us in Colorado we introduced him this special place. He loved the hike, also. I see it being must-do every time we are back in town. Well, not when it's 20 degrees and snow on the ground, but definitely in the summer and fall.
Enjoy the pics...

I guess Lily & Mojo were tired at the end of our hike! My sweet baby girls don't look too happy, do they?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Yes, it has happened! I'm totally addicted to making friendship bracelets. I've made 5 since my first post about them.
I can't wait to get more supplies & try a new "style" of a wrap bracelet. I'll keep you posted!
Since it is so flaming hot here in Texas I think staying inside & being creative is the best thing to do, don't you?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Reasons why I love WP in the summer...

All my readers know how I feel about WP. I love the place year round! But summer-time is especially beautiful! The girls and I went exploring for some of our favorite spots around the house. Enjoy!









Monday, July 25, 2011

Something on Sundays...

Friendship Bracelets....
Do you remember them?
I do!
But I think the last time I made one was probably to 20 years ago! Until now!
Let me give you some history...I love wearing bracelets! And several of them at a time. The more the better! I wear all kinds, some are expensive, some are cheap, some are cuffs & some are bangles.
So recently I've been seeing the "friendship" type make a come-back, and I spotted a few on a blog a couple of days ago which tweaked my curiosity. So what did I do? I took off my other bracelets and went to the store to purchase a few $.29 embroidery threads so I could practice my friendship bracelet making abilities. And I have to tell ya... It's addicting! I've made myself two & each baby girl has one. And I'm dying to go back to the store for more colors of thread.
But for now my precious baby girls & I are BBF!!!!
I ADORE our similar but unique, matching friendship bracelets!!!!
And the next time you see me/us we might be wearing a ton more! Lol!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Triple I Ranch

Before we left for the mountains I took a few pics of our pasture. At the time the pasture was covered with beautiful red wild flowers. Last year the flowers were present, but this year they were amazingly beautiful. I loved pulling into our gate and looking over the slight rolling land full of these flowers. I'm sure, however, that they are all burnt up now due to the terrible heat and dryness north Texas is experiencing now. At least, I have my pics...