Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Lily has a name for pumpkins and since Morgan has heard it so often she does, too.
It's "Punkin-mans"
I'm thinking Lily named all pumpkins, Punkin-mans, because during this time of the year most are carved with a "face". But who knows maybe she says Punkin-mans because she can't pronounce pumpkins? Oh, well, I think Punkin-mans is a cute name. So we'll stick with it :)

I had big plans for these Punkin-mans..
But before I could decide which method of decorating- you know there's so many ideas on Pinterest- my girls got out their sparkly paint markers & went to town. They then followed up with a pumpkin decorating kit we found at Wal-Mart, a treat they received by behaving well at the store.
These Punkin-mans won't win any awards, but they're kinda cute in a preschool, graffiti way. :)

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