Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This the outfit I wore today... Yes, I was wearing a scarf... I heart scarves... And as soon as it's not 100 degress outside I will be wearing more.
Today the girls & I made an early start to the grocery store. The outside temp was just below 90 so I took advantage of the cold-front & wore a scarf.
Anyhoo... After I dressed myself the following is a conversation between Lily & I.
Lily: "Momma, you're dressed like an ogre!"
Me: "Dressed like an ogre? What do you mean?"
Lily: "You know, like Fiona."
Me: "Oh, Princess Fiona! Thanks Lily!" ;)

I'm just hoping she meant I looked like Princess Fiona & not Ogress Fiona!
Maybe it was the cut-offs that were a little suspicious of being ogreish! Lol!

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