Monday, July 25, 2011

Something on Sundays...

Friendship Bracelets....
Do you remember them?
I do!
But I think the last time I made one was probably to 20 years ago! Until now!
Let me give you some history...I love wearing bracelets! And several of them at a time. The more the better! I wear all kinds, some are expensive, some are cheap, some are cuffs & some are bangles.
So recently I've been seeing the "friendship" type make a come-back, and I spotted a few on a blog a couple of days ago which tweaked my curiosity. So what did I do? I took off my other bracelets and went to the store to purchase a few $.29 embroidery threads so I could practice my friendship bracelet making abilities. And I have to tell ya... It's addicting! I've made myself two & each baby girl has one. And I'm dying to go back to the store for more colors of thread.
But for now my precious baby girls & I are BBF!!!!
I ADORE our similar but unique, matching friendship bracelets!!!!
And the next time you see me/us we might be wearing a ton more! Lol!

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