Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Lily and Morgan's Grandpa turned 70 years old. For his Birthday he was sent a singing Chicken from cousin Chace. The Chicken was hilarious! We had several laughs at the Chicken's expense. The Singing Chicken had written a chorus line for all of us to sing along with and I am sure the other office tenants wondered what in the world was going on! Lily thought the chicken was so cute, she rubbed its fur, and touched its big rubber feet. For Grandpa's Birthday Lunch he wanted to go to Rick's Chophouse. Lily behaved and Morgan slept through it. A very nice time was had by all.
P.S. I am wondering how much Chace paid for the Singing Chicken. I told hubby, "Heck, I'll strap on a Gorilla outfit and sing to people for a couple of hundred dollars!"

Happy Birthday Grandpa, love Lily & Morgan

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