Sunday, July 10, 2011

Last day of school & Memorial Day Weekend...

South Padre 2011
Lily's last day of school was the Thursday just before Memorial Day weekend. We've made it a yearly event to be in Padre on Memorial Day weekend. I needed to pick up Lily early from school on Thursday so we could meet Daddy Frank for lunch then catch our plane. Miss Lily had a different idea... She was very upset I showed up early before lunch. Being that it was the last day, her teachers had decided to move the younger "three's" in with Lily's class so they could all have lunch together. The kids were very excited and poor Lily had to leave. I explained to her we needed to meet Daddy for lunch then go to the airport to board a plane and fly to the beach.She was still upset and crying. Lily's teachers were so sweet and tried to console her. They thought Lily was upset she was leaving because it was her last day, however, she didn't understand the "last day of school" concept, she was just mad I was there early to pick her up. We were a sight to see. Lily upset and I, myself, was a little upset, too. Lily experienced a WONDERFUL first year of pre-school. Her teachers were so loving, caring, sweet and knew exactly how to handle the children. They let the children explore and play all the while giving them directives, but allowing them to learn on their own. The children were not treated like babies and they blossomed in return. Everyday I dropped  Lily off at school I knew she was going to have an awesome day. When a mom believes and knows that in her heart it's a wonderful, unique feeling. This is why I was emotional. I was sad for Lily and her last day with her sweet teachers. I can only hope this next fall she will have great teachers as well.
Now on to Padre... Our days were full of breakfast, beach, lunch, naps for kids, pool, and dinner time with lots of seafood!!!
Here are some pics...
 Girls at the airport...
 rest time in front of the TV
 Beautiful babies on the patio!
 Pool time...

Momma Nat & her baby girls :)))

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