Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Reasons why I love WP in the summer...

All my readers know how I feel about WP. I love the place year round! But summer-time is especially beautiful! The girls and I went exploring for some of our favorite spots around the house. Enjoy!









Monday, July 25, 2011

Something on Sundays...

Friendship Bracelets....
Do you remember them?
I do!
But I think the last time I made one was probably to 20 years ago! Until now!
Let me give you some history...I love wearing bracelets! And several of them at a time. The more the better! I wear all kinds, some are expensive, some are cheap, some are cuffs & some are bangles.
So recently I've been seeing the "friendship" type make a come-back, and I spotted a few on a blog a couple of days ago which tweaked my curiosity. So what did I do? I took off my other bracelets and went to the store to purchase a few $.29 embroidery threads so I could practice my friendship bracelet making abilities. And I have to tell ya... It's addicting! I've made myself two & each baby girl has one. And I'm dying to go back to the store for more colors of thread.
But for now my precious baby girls & I are BBF!!!!
I ADORE our similar but unique, matching friendship bracelets!!!!
And the next time you see me/us we might be wearing a ton more! Lol!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Triple I Ranch

Before we left for the mountains I took a few pics of our pasture. At the time the pasture was covered with beautiful red wild flowers. Last year the flowers were present, but this year they were amazingly beautiful. I loved pulling into our gate and looking over the slight rolling land full of these flowers. I'm sure, however, that they are all burnt up now due to the terrible heat and dryness north Texas is experiencing now. At least, I have my pics...

Friday, July 22, 2011

4th of July in the Rockies

Every summer we drive up to the Rockies and celebrate the 4th of July holiday at our home in Winter Park. The weather in the Rockies in July is amazing! Especially since Texas is brutally hot right now. I think parts of Texas and Oklahoma have experienced 2 weeks of 100 degree plus days. Crazy! So I'm especially thankful for the wonderful weather in WP. The mornings start out 60s and usually work up to the 80s. We've maybe had a day of upper 80s, but the heat is tolerable. There is usually a nice breeze and a sometimes a quick thunderstorm rolls through in the afternoon to cool things down. The evenings are especially wonderful! I love sitting on our back deck, eating dinner, having an adult beverage, and roasting marshmallows for s'mores from the outdoor fireplace. The nights we make a fire we are usually wearing pullovers and sometimes a blanket covering our legs! Again, lovely weather! And I'm so thrilled we're here!

For the 4th of July celebrations we usually meet our friends at an Old School House playground/picnic area to watch the local fireworks. Everyone brings food and drinks to share. This year we had a pretty good spread, everything from steaks, grilled shrimp, hotdogs for the kids, many salads, different cheeses, olives, crackers and of course desserts. The night got chilly so the fire we built for grilling the food just kept on burning to keep us warm.
 Family pic in our backyard
 Cheese...Happpy 4th!

Watching fireworks!

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Yellow Dress

This is Miss Mojo in her FAVORITE dress of all time!!! I have to hide it at times or it is all she would wear!
This afternoon while the girls were napping I folded a few loads of laundry but couldn't put it all away because I didn't want to disturb nap time. Once Morgan woke up and came down stairs she spotted her dress in the stack of folded clothes and of course she demanded to wear it!
Lily was still napping at the time so Mojo & I relaxed on the back deck. I read a little & Morgan cruised around the backyard, which is where this pick was taken.
It's amazing right now in the Rockies with beautiful blue skies, comfortable temperatures & nice breezes!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Blueberry Patch

Several weeks ago the girls and I headed out to a blueberry farm with some of our friends. The farm grew blueberries, blackberries and had a pond stocked full of catfish. My girls were not on their best behavior that day so we didn't get a ton of blueberries picked and totally missed out on the blackberries, but Lily & Morgan did get to feed the fish. I think they liked that part best of all. I was able to snap a few pics before meltdown time.
 Morgan, Lily & Kendall
 Miss Lily
 Sweet Kluv!

 Fish Food!!!
Those crazy catfish!!!

Dentist Time!!!

So it was time for Morgan's first dental visit and Lily's check-up, also, so I took them at the same time. Because Lily does very well with her dental visits I needed her to "sit in the chair" first so Morgan could realize it was no big deal. And I have to say everything went very well! The girls actually enjoyed their visit and they received goodies which made their visit that much better! The only time we had a slight issue was when the Dentist came in to look at Morgan's teeth and it was a "no go". She let the hygienist polish, floss & poke around, but the Dentist was not allowed! Morgan sat there as if her jaws were wired shut. It was kinda funny! She didn't scream, whimper or freak-out, she just sat their with her mouth closed!
Here are a few pics of their dental visit...
 Lily's turn, but Morgan's really paying attention!
 Lily getting her pearly whites shined!
 Holding hands for moral support :))
 Morgan's thinking, "Are you sure about this?"
 Again, Morgan's paying close attention...
Mojo checking out her goodie bag!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Last day of school & Memorial Day Weekend...

South Padre 2011
Lily's last day of school was the Thursday just before Memorial Day weekend. We've made it a yearly event to be in Padre on Memorial Day weekend. I needed to pick up Lily early from school on Thursday so we could meet Daddy Frank for lunch then catch our plane. Miss Lily had a different idea... She was very upset I showed up early before lunch. Being that it was the last day, her teachers had decided to move the younger "three's" in with Lily's class so they could all have lunch together. The kids were very excited and poor Lily had to leave. I explained to her we needed to meet Daddy for lunch then go to the airport to board a plane and fly to the beach.She was still upset and crying. Lily's teachers were so sweet and tried to console her. They thought Lily was upset she was leaving because it was her last day, however, she didn't understand the "last day of school" concept, she was just mad I was there early to pick her up. We were a sight to see. Lily upset and I, myself, was a little upset, too. Lily experienced a WONDERFUL first year of pre-school. Her teachers were so loving, caring, sweet and knew exactly how to handle the children. They let the children explore and play all the while giving them directives, but allowing them to learn on their own. The children were not treated like babies and they blossomed in return. Everyday I dropped  Lily off at school I knew she was going to have an awesome day. When a mom believes and knows that in her heart it's a wonderful, unique feeling. This is why I was emotional. I was sad for Lily and her last day with her sweet teachers. I can only hope this next fall she will have great teachers as well.
Now on to Padre... Our days were full of breakfast, beach, lunch, naps for kids, pool, and dinner time with lots of seafood!!!
Here are some pics...
 Girls at the airport...
 rest time in front of the TV
 Beautiful babies on the patio!
 Pool time...

Momma Nat & her baby girls :)))

Out Back...

The girls and I were playing outside one day... Jumping on the trampoline and climbing all over our playset when they decided it was time to cruise around "outback". In my mind this area is not really our backyard because it's not watered by sprinkler system, but it's not really a "pasture" either... So I just call it, "outback".
I had my camera handy, however, I am no photographer, but I like these shots I took, then played around with them on my photoshop.
Miss Lily, saying, "CHEESE!"
Sweet Mojo!
The girls dancing atop our tornado shelter!!!

Easter 2011

And finally....Here are some pics from Easter Sunday.