Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If I was lost....

Lily would direct me to where I need to be... Or where she thinks I need to be.
Chick-fil-A, Braums, Nana's house, Giulia's house, gymnastics, daddy's office, or the pool are a few of her favorite places.
Let me give you some history.
Every Wednesday, Lily has gymnastics and if she behaves well I treat her to Chick-fil-A. I wake her up on Wednesday mornings and say, "Good morning, today we go to gymnastics!"
She then replies, "Chicky, french-fries?!?!?!"
I say, "Only if you listen to Coach Laura Beth"
She says, "Okay Momma!"
While driving to University Of Gymnastics she pays close attention to where we are and as soon as we take the exit to the gym she says to me, "Thank you, Momma!" I say, "Your welcome :)"
When we finish with gymnastics she doesn't forget and demands/questions, "Chicky, french-fries?!!"
Of course we go to Chick-fil-A.

More cute stories.... Lily knows when we enter Nana or Giulia's neighborhood and she says to me, "Thank you, Momma!"
A couple of times a month, I take the girls thru Braum's and order them a shake. So now when we drive past Braum's.... Lily points to the big Braum's sign while saying, "Momma, Momma shake over der, shake over der!!!"
She, also, knows which road leads to the pool and when we don't turn down that particular road she points in protest, "No, Momma, No, Momma, I wanna Go to Baf, Go to Baf!" (In the lily language- pool AKA baf!)
Finally, when we drive past her Daddy's office and don't stop to visit him she REALLY protests, "Stop Momma, Stop. Daddy! Daddy!"
She starting realizing where we are, or are going about a year ago. At first, it started with gymnastics, but now it is a whole different story!
I love it, but I have to be careful, because I can't pull any tricks on her!

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