I feel it is very important to show affection. Hugs, kisses, a pat, or something as simple as swiping away a tendrel of hair from one of my girls' faces are all so critical. Everyday I make a special time to tickle, kiss, and hug every inch of their body. When the girls were tiny babies I massaged them with lavender baby lotion after every bath. The believe touch is vital for bonding, the massage is awesome for development, and the lavender smell is so relaxing for bedtime. Lily still loves for me to massage her feet and slowly tickle her back...it will stop her in her tracks and immediately relaxes her to an almost trance like state.
I am also the type of mom who notices small details. Especially when it pertains to my girls. I have memorized every part of their body, from their brown spots, stork bites, toes, fingers, belly buttons to their bottoms. I remember their chubby feet and grummy little fingers and palms. Then one day it all changes and their feet aren't as chubby as they used to be and the creases in their palms aren't filled with goo.
Then sweet baby Lily is putting on her own sandals with the strap in between the wrong toes!!! :)
Oh my goodness, I didn't even notice the strap was in the wrong place until I read the last line! I have also been up since 4:15 with insomnia.