Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lily's 2nd Birthday Party!!!

We had Lily's 2nd Birthday Party today. We celebrated with family, friends, and a visit from Santa!!! Yep, Santa rode up on his sled (our Kawaski Mule) and the excitement began!!! Santa took pictures with everyone (some more willing than others) and handed out party favors.
I just feel so fortunate that we have a healthy family, friends, and we can all come together to celebrate special times. We enjoyed watching all the kids look at Santa in amazement and tell him what was on their Christmas list.  The kids, also, gave to the less fortunate. Everyone brought a new, unwrapped toy for "Marine Corps Toys for Tots". The party goers also partook in stuffing themselves on pizza, salad, and YUMMY, YUMMY White Chocolate Birthday cake with strawberry filing!!!! If anyone is curious... Panini's Bakery in Dallas made the cake.
As for Lily, she loved entertaining everyone at her house!!! She cried when it was time for everyone to leave.
As for me, I can't believe my "Lily Pants" is two years old! Time flies when your havin fun! Seems like yesterday when Santa brought us a tiny, 6lb 10oz, baby girl. What a sweet life we have with our sweet baby girls.

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