Thursday, November 19, 2009

Coughs, snots, & fevers, oh my!

My baby girls have been sick. Lily & Morgan, both, have had runny noses, phlemy coughs, and bouts of fever. I hate it. When my babies are ill I feel helpless. I know they feel terrible and the best I can do is give medicine and lots of cuddles. My life has been going to Dr. appts, keeping track of fevers, and doses of antibiotics, Tylenol, & Motrin.
Ear infections are not contagious, but in my house one would think they are. Husband had one in September that carried over to October. Morgan had one two weeks ago, finished her round of antibiotics, and now Lily has one and is taking her round of antibiotic. I feel responsible for the girls ear infections. Whether I caused it directly or indirectly, I still feel guilty. Morgan most likely got her ear infection from lying down while breast feeding and Lily most likely got her ear infection from drainage, but I am sure her "swimming" while taking a bath didn't help, either.  
Last week Morgan went to her 6 month check up. She got a clean bill of health. She is growing very well, eating well, and her ears looked good. No more infection. She was feeling well, smiling, and back to her normal self until Monday. She started coughing and running a fever. I waited it out for almost 48 hrs then took her to the Doctor.  Morgan's diagnosis... a virus. The worst thing about a virus is it will run it's course and until then I can only treat the symptoms. Good news, though, her fever broke last night and today Morgan is smiling again! She still has the runny nose and cough, but I am sure this will hang around for a bit. I once read in a magazine article that babies-toddlers will average something crazy like 12 colds a year! Now I believe it.    

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Lily and Morgan's Grandpa turned 70 years old. For his Birthday he was sent a singing Chicken from cousin Chace. The Chicken was hilarious! We had several laughs at the Chicken's expense. The Singing Chicken had written a chorus line for all of us to sing along with and I am sure the other office tenants wondered what in the world was going on! Lily thought the chicken was so cute, she rubbed its fur, and touched its big rubber feet. For Grandpa's Birthday Lunch he wanted to go to Rick's Chophouse. Lily behaved and Morgan slept through it. A very nice time was had by all.
P.S. I am wondering how much Chace paid for the Singing Chicken. I told hubby, "Heck, I'll strap on a Gorilla outfit and sing to people for a couple of hundred dollars!"

Happy Birthday Grandpa, love Lily & Morgan

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lily and her antics....

Lily has given us a run for our money lately. These two events I am about to share are stories I have heard about before, but I never thought it would happen to my child!

1. Lily performed a "high dive", as we call it, out of her crib. Yep, she climbed right out and landed on her head. I'm assuming this is what happened, I didn't see her do it, I just saw her walking out of her room when she was supposed to be in her crib. She was crying and I didn't exactly know if she was crying because she was mad or hurt until I saw the big carpet burn on her forehead and blood in her mouth from biting her tongue. She was mad and hurt. Needless to say it hasn't happened since then, "Knock on wood".  I am not ready to put her in a toddler bed. She is not even 2 yrs old. With Lily being so independent she would be roaming our house in the middle of the night. I believe a crib tent is in the works. We are going to have to make this crib tent really special or we will have a MAD baby on our hands!!!!

2. Lily had an episode with her poo filled diaper. Gross huh? Just wait until you read the following.....
Today, I went to get Lily from her nap. I entered her room and smelled poo. I thought "no wonder she didn't sleep very long... she pooed in her diaper". I see Lily, she is sitting in her crib, talking to herself in her "toddler" talk, and she is wearing no socks, pants or a diaper. Yes, you read it right. Lily pooed in her diaper and decided she didn't want to wear it any more. Her socks, pants, and pooed filled diaper are all overboard laying on the carpet outside her crib. I am in shock. Again, here is the perfect example of Lily knowing exactly what she wants and doing something about it. She didn't want her clothes or diaper on so, therefore, she threw them all overboard. Guess what I was doing for the next hour to hour & half? Scrubbing Lily down in the bathtub, scrubbing down the rails of the crib, stripping her bed, and laundering her mattress protecter, sheets, blankies, and pacis. All the while, thinking, "OMG, not my sweet baby girl, but this is definately something we will have to remember to tell and laugh about one day."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

For the past two years we have spent Halloween with Antonio, Giulia, Alessandro, and Lorenzo. Walking their neighborhood, wine in hand, enjoying great company, and having tons of laughs!

This year Lily dressed up as a Chinese girl and Morgan dressed up as a scarecrow. Morgan was going to be an eggroll, but I never made it to the fabric store. I purchased Lily's Kimono in Paris, France. Go figure! Morgan's scarecrow costume was a hand me down from Lily. Alessandro and Lorenzo dressed up as scary clowns. Antonio dressed up as a fashionable Joe Dirt and Giulia dressed up as a fabulous Diana Ross. Frank and I, well, we dressed up as ourselves!

The evening was perfect. Awesome fall weather and our were girls in a "fun" mood. We set out walking to a party (being hosted in the neighborhood) and on the way we let Lily "trick or treat". For the first two houses, Lily must have thought we were going to a playdate because she walked right up to the door, said, "Hi!" and helped herself right in! Giulia was the one helping Lily "trick or treat" so she went to get Lily and told her we can't go inside we are "trick or treating". Lily was confused at first but by the third house she knew exactly what to do... If the homeowners weren't outside handing out candy, she knocked on the door, said, "Hi!" held out her Nordstrom shopping/ candy bag (I forgot a candy bag, thank goodness I had a random bag in the car), received her candy, said "Thank you!", then made her way to the next house. We tried to get Lily to say, "Trick or Treat", but it didn't come out that well. We knew what she meant, but I'm sure other people didn't.  Lily understood the concept of "trick or treating", but she had know idea about the tasty sweets she held in her bag. We do not let Lily eat candy, if she knew about the sweet stuff we would have had trouble on our hands! She loved her Halloween Evening. She was absolutely serious, didn't want any help, and walked the whole night. We left the house to "trick or treat" at about 6:45pm and returned back at about 10:00pm. Needless to say, Lily slept all the way home, barely woke up for us to put on her pajamas, and put her in bed.

I've posted a few pics....

Lily "Trick or Treating"

Morgan {Scarecrow} & Lorenzo {Scary Clown}

Momma Nat and her "lil gobblins"

Happy Halloween!!!