My baby girls have been sick. Lily & Morgan, both, have had runny noses, phlemy coughs, and bouts of fever. I hate it. When my babies are ill I feel helpless. I know they feel terrible and the best I can do is give medicine and lots of cuddles. My life has been going to Dr. appts, keeping track of fevers, and doses of antibiotics, Tylenol, & Motrin.
Ear infections are not contagious, but in my house one would think they are. Husband had one in September that carried over to October. Morgan had one two weeks ago, finished her round of antibiotics, and now Lily has one and is taking her round of antibiotic. I feel responsible for the girls ear infections. Whether I caused it directly or indirectly, I still feel guilty. Morgan most likely got her ear infection from lying down while breast feeding and Lily most likely got her ear infection from drainage, but I am sure her "swimming" while taking a bath didn't help, either.
Last week Morgan went to her 6 month check up. She got a clean bill of health. She is growing very well, eating well, and her ears looked good. No more infection. She was feeling well, smiling, and back to her normal self until Monday. She started coughing and running a fever. I waited it out for almost 48 hrs then took her to the Doctor. Morgan's diagnosis... a virus. The worst thing about a virus is it will run it's course and until then I can only treat the symptoms. Good news, though, her fever broke last night and today Morgan is smiling again! She still has the runny nose and cough, but I am sure this will hang around for a bit. I once read in a magazine article that babies-toddlers will average something crazy like 12 colds a year! Now I believe it.
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