My mother and aunt came in town to sit for the sweet baby girls so the husband and I could have a whole 24 hours alone. Spending it however we wanted to. We were kid-free with no decisions to be made, like.... what's for lunch?, what's for snack?, what's for dinner, what time is nap?, when did I change her diaper last?, is it too hot to go outside?, should I try & teach Lily a color today?, someone is crying, what happened?, did Lily steal the toy away from Morgan or was it the other way around?, have I yelled too much today?, did I tell the girls I love them today?, did I hug & kiss them enough today?, did Morgan drink too much chocolate milk today?, is Morgan teething?
See... it's exhausting at times!!! Needless to say the 24 hr, kid-free, birthday celebration was much needed!!!
We left the house at noon on Saturday and returned the next day at noon. We went to the club, I layed by the pool and the husband played 18 holes of golf. The day was soooo hot. I stayed cool by taking a dip in the pool, but those poor golfers. I don't know how they do it. The husband said about every third hole was a huge cooler containing ice towels. He said this was the only thing that saved him from having heat stroke. He literally took the towel straight from the ice and placed it on his head and neck. Crazy what these golfers endure for the game!
After our day at the club, we went to downtown McKinney and stayed at The Grand Hotel. After a nice shower we had drinks in the bar at Rick's Chop House and stayed there for a fabulous dinner. The Grand Hotel is just next to Rick's so we didn't have far to go to get into bed. Thank goodness, we were exhausted.
The next morning we went to Starbuck's, sipped on coffee while reading the Dallas Morning News, and actually had an adult conversation. It's the small things we take for granted once babies are in the family.
But of course, while at Starbuck's, my mind kept thinking about our sweet baby girls. Wondering what they were doing, if they slept all night for Grandma Suzy, what they had for dinner, what they had for breakfast, and how Lily did with potty training. (That is a whole other blog post waiting to happen!)
The only pic I took of that weekend. A faaaaaabulous bottle of wine!
Funny how we crave a moment away, but every moment is spent thinking about them anyways =)