Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm back!

So my computer received a nasty virus. Husband had to take it to the doctor to get fixed or as my husband calls it, the computer had to get blown up! I lost everything. I saved all of my pics on flash drives, thank goodness, but all of my favorites, saved documents, etc. are all gone. I will have to start all over. Those many websites/pages I saved hoping to come back to them one day are lost forever. Oh well, no use in worrying.
Some good news, though. Baby Morgan is crawling. Yep, all 10 months of her sweetness is all over the place. If she had been my first baby I would have been stressing out. "Wondering why she crawled so late?" But I figured out quickly each child reaches their own milestone on their own individual time. All children develop and learn differently. That's what keeps us moms guessing (or stressing), right?!

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