Monday, March 29, 2010

11 months

Sweet baby Morgan is 11 months old today. She is an absolute doll. She owns a contagious grin and kind of crinkles her nose when smiling at you. She is very sweet, loves to cuddle, and likes to lay her head on Lily's chest when they are playing as if she is saying, "I love my big sis!". Morgan gets very excited when Lily walks into the room and watches every move she makes. I know one day they will be the best of friends. I'm sure they will have their disagreements, but my dream is for them to be "as thick as thieves". I can imagine them even sharing a room... two twin beds, with matching or coordinating duvet covers, bed skirts and pillows. I can't wait.
But for now I am thrilled with crawling, cuddles, drools, and giggles from my sweet baby Morgan.

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