Friday, February 12, 2010

Picture Playdate!

Because of the, almost a foot of snow, the girls and I didn't get to go to Ashley's for our Friday morning playdate. I talked to Ashley this morning and we agreed to pray for eachother's sanity due to the fact were going to be stuck inside all day long with our children! Sounds like we are terrible mom's right? No, the snow is calling our names! We feel like we are so close but, so far away from playing outside in the snow. My girls do not have waterproof clothes, therefore, we can't just run outside and jump in.
So what does Momma Nat do? I say, "Forget the snowsuit, we got Valentine t-shirts and tu-tus!" Yep, I dressed up the girls and we had our own "Picture Playdate". Aren't my "livin' dolls" precious!

1 comment:

  1. Well....I prayed for your sanity, but it appears my dear friend like you might have lost it afterall, JK =) Sooo cute! I'm having another bad mom moment because I just realized I don't have a V-day outfit for my little love child. To the mall we go!
