Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Today, on Valentine's Day, I want to give my husband some props. So here it goes...
20 things about my husband.
1. He has gorgeous legs (I'm jealous of)
2. Eyes like Derek Jeter
3. Sweet daddy
4. Creative
5. Athletic
6. Tall, dark, handsome
7. Proud son
8. Cool older brother
9. Hits a target from three hundred yards with his rifle
10. Very well rounded
11. Can drive a golf ball three hundred yards and put it in the fairway
12. Serious, but we can have some great laughs, too
13. Keeps our ranch immaculate
14. Prepare a fabulous meal
15. Hard worker
16. Wear a suit like a runway model
17. Drives a tractor like a farmer
18. Faithful
19. Adores the girls and I
20. Surprises me with thoughtful, beautiful, and often expensive gifts

And I could go on & on with my list.
But the best part about it all is... if all of these traits were gone, would I still love him?...
Absolutely, because our love is unconditional.
Happy Valentine's Day!

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