Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beauty Shop!

These days, Lily has been the perfect "terrible two!" I have said the "terrible twos" started months ago, but, lately, they have come on very strong. She has been very defiant and selfish and now believes ALL toys, whether they are hers or not, belong to her. She pulls toys out of her sister's hand and hands of her buddies, all while saying, "MINE!"
I did catch her being sweet, however. Lily loves to dig in the drawers of my bathroom vanity. And tonight she pulled out two hair rollers... One for her and one for Morgan.
At least she shared her rollers!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Date Night

This past weekend Grandma Suzy came to visit. Lily was thrilled to see and play with Grandma Suzy. And Morgan took advantage of Grandma Suzys' snuggles. Grandma Suzy has an IPhone and Lily is so entertained by it. They listen to songs and dance together, draw pictures, and watch videos. We really enjoyed Grandma Suzy being in Texas with us.

We, also, love having Grandma Suzy here because husband and I get to have a date night! Above are pictures of our night out. Husband, myself, Giulia, and Antonio started the evening at their house for a glass of vino then on to Loft 610 for a delicious meal.
I will list what we ordered and devoured from the menu.
Braised Pork Belly
Jumbo Lump Crap Cakes
Braised Beef Short Rib Potstickers

Chopped Iceberg and Watercress with Blue Cheese Dressing

Grilled Buffalo Tenderloin
Crispy Seared Sea Bass
Grilled Prime Lamb T-Bones
Seared Diver Sea Scallops

Pineapple Cake
Creme Brulee
Chocolate Torte
I can't remember the last dessert.

When I look back and read this, I am amazed by the amount of food we can put away. And not a spot of food left on our plates! This is what happens when you are in the food business, you have to try almost EVERYTHING on the menu!!!

Thanks to Antonio and Giulia for a fun night out!
And, especially, thanks to Grandma Suzy for babysitting! We love you! We're also thrilled you found your boots!!! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Today, on Valentine's Day, I want to give my husband some props. So here it goes...
20 things about my husband.
1. He has gorgeous legs (I'm jealous of)
2. Eyes like Derek Jeter
3. Sweet daddy
4. Creative
5. Athletic
6. Tall, dark, handsome
7. Proud son
8. Cool older brother
9. Hits a target from three hundred yards with his rifle
10. Very well rounded
11. Can drive a golf ball three hundred yards and put it in the fairway
12. Serious, but we can have some great laughs, too
13. Keeps our ranch immaculate
14. Prepare a fabulous meal
15. Hard worker
16. Wear a suit like a runway model
17. Drives a tractor like a farmer
18. Faithful
19. Adores the girls and I
20. Surprises me with thoughtful, beautiful, and often expensive gifts

And I could go on & on with my list.
But the best part about it all is... if all of these traits were gone, would I still love him?...
Absolutely, because our love is unconditional.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Picture Playdate!

Because of the, almost a foot of snow, the girls and I didn't get to go to Ashley's for our Friday morning playdate. I talked to Ashley this morning and we agreed to pray for eachother's sanity due to the fact were going to be stuck inside all day long with our children! Sounds like we are terrible mom's right? No, the snow is calling our names! We feel like we are so close but, so far away from playing outside in the snow. My girls do not have waterproof clothes, therefore, we can't just run outside and jump in.
So what does Momma Nat do? I say, "Forget the snowsuit, we got Valentine t-shirts and tu-tus!" Yep, I dressed up the girls and we had our own "Picture Playdate". Aren't my "livin' dolls" precious!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's snowing in Texas!!!

Here in Texas large, beautiful amounts of snowfall is few and far between. We do get some snow and ice, but today is a different story. Snow has been falling for about 18 hours and forecasted to continue snowing for another several hours. We have received about 7 inches and more to come.
Out here in the country we really get to enjoy the beauty of the snow. It is pure and undisturbed. When I look out to the pasture I see our longhorn huddled together eating their hay and trying to stay warm. The snow is falling so hard, though, I can just barely see them.
This evening I bundled up Lily and took her outside to play in the snow. She loved it. We even went for a swing on the girl's new playset Santa delivered them for Christmas. This was a mistake... Lily did not want to get off the swing. I had to bribe her with a "BIG BATH". This means a whirlpool bath in mommy & daddy's bathroom! She eventually came inside to warm up in her "BIG BATH".